Angrybirds 1.5.3 + Seasons 1.4.0 + Rio save date files
  • who can upload these files here ( highscores + Setting files of these last updated games )

    let me know

    Kind regards

    Alexander ( Bomberbirds52 )
  • I don't think most people here would promote the use of save files. Having help with videos and a community is one thing, actually "cheating" is another. And, really, what's the point? There's no "prize" per se to beating the game, the fun is playing the game (isn't not the same as, for instance, a save file for a fighting game to make all of the characters unlocked and playable). Hence the reason that save files have never shown up on this website to begin with.

    I'm sure if you looked hard elsewhere you could find some (especially for Android), but I don't think you'll have much luck here. As it seems the only reason to obtain a save file for Angry Birds would be to brag that you've completed all of the levels...when, in fact, you haven't at all.
  • I agree. Can I ask why you want to see files uploaded here?
  • Yeah, definitely don't condone cheating. That said, I have made exceptions in the case that a loyal user loses all their save data for some unfortunate reason. Those situations are handled on a case by case basis however.
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