Pink Bird - Your Thoughts
  • I like the pink bird. Her power is pretty cool. I just wish she was more powerful to possibly break through a little more prior to activation. Also, she is extremely bouncy which will take time to get used to. Lastly, does anyone else think the screen cuts away to the slingshot too soon after activating her. You have to scroll back yourself to see the damage she produced.
  • I think she is good but I think it would be a little better if it can move the objects left or right so it could cause a little more damage
  • She doesn't seem to be very useful tbh, but that may just make the levels more interesting and challenging!
  • 1) If you shoot her more horizontally, and activate her after she hits something, starting it to move, the object will continue to move in the same direction in the bubble.
    2) She is very good at taking down entire structures if you get her to lift objects at the base, especially things like horizontal planks that are supporting a structure: this can tip entire structure.
  • It would be nice if she penetrated a little deeper (like OB) at initial contact.
    Also, her lifting capability leaves a lot to be desired. She can't lift a lot of stone.
  • The pink bird is going to require a whole new strategy of flinging! IMHO that's what keeps AB so addicting.
  • After playing with her a bit I've started to like her. She does have a huge learning curve. What I've found so far:

    1. mvnla2 post above is 100% accurate. If you can hit something with her and get it to lean either right or left the bubble will continue to float that way dropping it on things.

    2. When shooting her at piles of block you need to make sure you either get a horizontal piece in a bubble or the lowest stone pieces in order to topple the wall if a lot of stone is on top. (I've bubbled a few times and nothing floated up because too much stone was on top).
  • The Pink Bird isn't often for News in "Back To School". But its funny to Play!!!
  • I like the concept of the pink bird, but I think the execution is horrible. With other birds that have powers that are activated, you the powers are executed in predictable fashion. Not so with Pink bird. For instance, I have tossed a pink bird and activated it dead center over an object time and time again (I know that there are a few pixels here and there that I am off and that each time I can't possibly get the exact same place, but let's keep things in perspective, the places are VERY close together). Yet even in doing so, the effect of the powers are so totally off the wall that there is no way to possibly gauge how to use the bird effectively.

    For instance, take a TNT box that I want to do something with. I've had that bird activated over it on several attempts...sometimes, even at dead center, the encapsulating bubble swings like a pendulum, and at other times, it goes straight up. Still other times it starts to veer off to the side. There just doesn't seem to be any logistical pattern as to what to expect when activated so there isn't a way to plan on how to effectively use the bird...all you can do is hope and pray...cross your fingers, and hide the pentagram, and hope you get what you want from its activation.
  • I find the Pink Bird very cool but Not enough powerful. In the beginning of playing with her (Sorry!!! :-) i find not the Real technic but i find Out that it is better to activate the Bird a little bit before the blocks and piggies for better Destruction. My opinion!!
  • I agree with @cc-jolly I always do that with the pink bird
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