When will Rovio learn how to give proper compensation?

It's well known that bugs & cheats can kill a game. But when you aren't able to prevent them, the next best thing is to give decent compensation. Why can't Rovio get this basic thing? Case A: A month ago my clan lost a close battle against another clan which had a couple of obvious cheats. We reported them from the first day of the battle, and reported yet again on the second day (by more of us). The battle ended, we "lost" (by a very small margin still)... but we kept waiting, and hoping Rovio will answer the reports. And they sort of did... but quite late on the reward collection day, by which time we had resigned and collected the pearls, to avoid that we lose those too. Then they come and remove the cheat in the other clan, show us as "winners" but with no rewards. And mind you, it was a double-feathers event that day, so basically we lost 4 x 6000 = 24.000 feathers + Legendary chest (which, in the event of a legendary card with feathers, could have alone provided up to 30.000 other feathers). And what does Rovio do to "compensate" us? A miserly rare chest and 500 feathers. WTF? Given that I for example got 3 useless spells out of that chest, I basically got somewhere between 1 and 2% of the feathers I was entitled to. And meanwhile the clan with cheaters who should have lost, got their double feather rewards. We complained about the ridiculous reward, and their answer was that it "wouldn't be fair towards other players" to give us more. Again... WTF? Case B: Yesterday MEBC was down for a few hours for many players towards the end of the round. For those of us who play at the end of the day, that meant we basically lost the chance to play our round. I made a complaint to Rovio... and now it's almost 24 hrs and no answer yet. Something tells me they don't even intend to... and let alone come up with any kind of compensation. I've purchased the daily letter package a few times last year, but if they are so miserly they will not see a dime from me anymore (and when I say miserly, I mean stupid-miserly, because it's not like we ask compensation in real money... it literally doesn't cost them anything, other than a few minutes to deploy some virtual goodies to the affected players; or when they do offer compensation, what's costing them to make sure it's anywhere close to the loss suffered by the player?).
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