Update 1.1.1 out today

There are new caves, a level 37 max, mastery discounts, Piggy McCool now uses our Pig machine and we can temporarily battle monsters from Swords & Poker. I wanted to warn players that I've already beat Swords & Poker and did it without spending any money, but very few people will be able to beat level 52 without spending money. I really like the game except for the fact that it crashed on me and many other players. When it crashes you lose all your progress and have to start over from the very beginning. Another thing I don't like is that they made level 52 absurdly difficult which virtually requires people to spend money to beat. They haven't fixed this bug yet and never responded back to me when I reported the problem shortly after the 1.1.0 version came out 1.5 months ago. I was at level 36 when it crashed on me. If you immediately make a Konami account before you start playing, you might be able to play the game without it crashing because that is what I did the second time I played it. Edit: I must have read the description wrong since the "Into the Void" event is based on Puzzles & Dragons not Swords & Poker. Anyway a day after I posted this Konami came out with an update to fix their game.
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