Bugs and glitches

After quickly testing the app I noticed several timing issues. The first occurred during the tutorial where I pressed the Clan house in the village right before another tutorial started. This tutorial which started was one which forced me to press a button/house in the village, though as I went in to the Clan menu there was no way I could do anything as the only button I could press was not on that screen. The other issue was at a level complete screen where I pressed the chest rather quickly resulting in the item dropping out of the chest without the chest actually opening. Tapping the chest again would just result in it opening normally. Another small issue is lagging. It laggs a bit on the map. I'm running it on an iPhone 5C which should be supported by the game. Edit: I just found another bug. If you go to the chat and choose Clan Chat and then join clan it will take you to the clan list without you actually having access to it (I haven't completed the clan tutorial yet).
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