Rewards for feats: should Rovio improve them?

What do you guys think about the update to the rewards for feats recently? I have been working towards the “Complete 300 Arena Win Streaks” feat for 1,000 gems but this has been changed to a Legendary Chest. Of course, there are no gem rewards at all now, which a lot of players will not be happy with. Looking down my list, the rewards against some feats seem a little stingy, especially given the amount of effort that goes into achieving them. Take for instance: Get 5,000 Arena Wins and receive a Rare Chest. This one you don’t have to think about: just play on as normal and at some point the feat will be achieved. 5,000 is a big amount though. By my calculation, I won't achieve this until July 2019. Is a rare chest a decent enough reward for grinding away so long? Log In on 720 Different Days and receive a Legendary Chest. I won't complete this until end of May 2019, or early June if there are days I can’t get on. I am just as likely to get a measly sum of feathers or BP and by that time, the amount of feathers gained will likely add very little to my FP. Of course, a free Legendary Chest isn’t something to be baulked at! Likewise, Complete Daily Challenge 800 Times for a measly 200 BP. Are you kidding? Assuming I would be able to complete the Daily Challenges – what with awkward King Pigs which do crop up now and then – I would not complete this until September 2019! Give me 2,000 BP maybe, or 20,000! Win 15 Weekly Tournaments for 500 BP. This one I think is measly too: winning a weekly tournament is no mean feat, and given that you can get a whole lot more BP from a lucky hit on a rare or legendary chest – and even more during doubled BP periods – this seems far little incentive. Surely 1,000 or more is better for such a feat? How about something truly special? The ToF offers a Jackpot and I expect many players cannot hope to get to the higher levels for a chance to hit it (I certainly can't).  How about offering that Jackpot for those feats for longevity, or for getting thousands of arena wins or streaks? I haven’t overlooked the fact that it’s good to get something for nothing. Plus the fact you are getting a bonus for simply playing along as normal and totting up numbers for popping pigs or King Pigs etc. This aspect is good. What rewards would you like to see for the feats you are aiming for? Do you think they should re-introduce gems or bump up the prizes a bit more?
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