Farming Gems…

Hi, I've been looking all around and I can't find any real info on this. How to get the most gems out of those boxes??? I'm sure that there is a time element to it. Do the coins also have to be full to maximize the reap?? Usually, I was getting about 4-6 gems a box. Then when I started to try to pay attention and farm them, I can't find any logic to it. I left one box for a few days. When I poped it, I got 1 Gem! It was right after I plucked the coins. Another time I 16...can't remember how long I left it or if I poped any coins before it. The last box gave 31 gem's... I actually popped it by accident. It was growing for a few days. I plucked the coins around it right after and they were one in then 230 range. Which is where they should have been based on the time for farming coins. Not sure if it matter's but I'm on Android with the latest version (1.3.13) and I'm at rank 152.
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