Earn Thousands of Bird Coins & Power-ups FREE!

UPDATED: June 4, 2016 Would you like a "bank" of power-ups and reserve bird coins like mine, like this? My Bank as of July 13, 2014 It is simple, but it may take several weeks before you are accepted and can build up your bank similarly. In a nutshell, here's how it's done LEGALLY, fully sanctioned by Rovio, makers of all Angry Birds games... --you'll need at least 300 ABF friends or more on Facebook; --on Facebook, send two friend-requests, the first one to JOHN "Jailbird" THOMPSON, moderator of our secret group, and the second one to his wife, ABBIGAIL SIMONS: John "Jailbird" Thompson: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009968165789&fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab&pnref=friends.all Abbigail Simons: https://www.facebook.com/Birddeamon?fref=ufi --be patient and wait. It may be 2-4 weeks before you're considered and accepted; --if you're admitted into our closed FB group, follow the instructions for new members; --absolutely no cheats or hacks are allowed. A background check will be done on you; --if you use third-party plug-ins or other "extra power" software or plug-ins to "boost" your ABF scores, then you may be detected and permanently banned from ever joining the group again; --once accepted into our CLOSED private group of ABF "friends," you can begin building your own personal list of "friends;" --WARNING! AVOID JOINING ANY ABF GROUP ON FACEBOOK THAT SAYS "ADD ME" OR IS OTHERWISE AN OPEN GROUP! These groups are "fake" and contain mostly cheaters, many of whom spam, and some may send you messages that may contain viruses; --in your zeal to add as many new "friends" as possible, as soon as possible, you'll be tempted to send too many FB friend-requests too soon. DON'T or you might end up in FB jail and blocked for several days or weeks. Instead, be patient. Once admitted into our secret group, you'll have the opportunity to add your name to the list of new members. There, existing members will send you friend-requests that you can add, as many as you want, without risking jail time; --the legal "trick" is to exchange ABF gifts as much as possible, with as many ABF friends as possible and as frequently as possible; --you'll learn how if you're accepted into the group. We'll show you; --as a member of our private group, however, you must participate at least weekly, if not daily, in order to remain in the group. And you must gift to other members regularly whether you play that week, or not; --your ABF scores are collected and ranked automatically on the group's leaderboards so you know at a glance how your scores compare to others in the group. Join in group discussions with veteran members regarding best strategies, often including videos that "show you how." Or you can post your own pics and videos to share. Meet and make even more friends to increase your gifts; --come back to the Nest and confidently post your scores, strategies, pics or videos knowing that you've been "certified" and checked by hundreds of other pro ABF players worldwide, many of whom are already your fellow Nesters here on angrybirdsnest.com Post here in this forum if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions. Otherwise, your first step is to register as a member here on the Nest, then be accepted into our private group by "Mr. Birds" aka JOHN "Jailbird" THOMPSON and his wife, ABBIGAIL SIMONS, on FB. For your security, please do not share any personal information here or on Facebook. An alias is highly recommended. --MB :)
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