Clan Recruitment Topic

Wild Hawks – A TOTALLY AWESOME CLAN OF PEOPLE IS SEEKING FOR SOME NEW BIRDIES;) We have created our clan recently, so it’s only 11 eleven of us but we are strong, active and dedicated members. The main goal of our clan is to build something special: a European clan - a Home where all of us will have the opportunity to play, win and have fun ;)))) So if you want to be a part of our crazy family join us immediately!!! Clan name: WILD HAWKS, Clan number: #286768 Current members: 11/50 members Current total flock power/ Rank: 7489 Azure growing Emerald Clan location: Europe Clan Type: Usually OPEN, CLOSED if near the end of the event Language Preferable: English or Polish Requirements: Daily active players min 600+FP, Participates in all Clan battles, Scores a minimum of 3/6/9 points in the clan events and chat a little bit;) Rules: Respect your teammates. Be active and participate in all the clan events and battles. If you are going to be offline or unable to participate in a battle or an event ,notify our Leader or one of the co-leaders. Don’t cheat or use any form of cheating to obtain illegal items in the game. We communicate several times a day on the board and will always answer any questions or concerns or provide some help where needed. So come on in, meet some wonderful people and enjoy every treasure :)
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