Big difference between my level and class

I used to play Epic about two years ago. About a month ago I started playing again. I see that there have been a lot of changes. The problem lies in the fact that I'm at a decently high level (began this time at 25), but most of my classes were around 5. I have managed to get a few up to around 20-21 through the Eagle's nest, but the process of grinding for snoutlings kept pushing my player level up higher. I'm currently level 58 with a weak mastery. Oh... and most of my weapons are low level and the golden pig mainly gives me stuff that's just as weak. This is a problem because I get completely slaughtered at Wizpig's Castle. Completely and utterly destroyed. Not even a glimmer of hope. He chews me up and spits me out and pours hot sauce on my skeletal remains. (Not literally, but you get the picture) I don't have the red key, so a lot of potentially fun areas are locked off. So yeah... Is there a way to increase my Mastery and weapon/offhand items levels without increasing my bird level (which makes Wizpig even stronger)?
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