10 Million downloads celebration

To celebrate 10 million downloads, a limited level S piece of equipment can now be found! This one that I found is known as the Masquerade, which are these white shades with pink polka dots on them and the top has balloons on it. It's skill is life up against another bird (it's a silver skill). I've only got 2 for red (sold the 2nd one) and am unsure if other birds can get it (if they can, Great!). They also put another limited gem offer, this time pay £12.99 (or whatever the amount is in your country) for 35 gems! It is real money though, so approach with caution! Also another random thing I noticed, sometimes on the title screen, you can see a bird with an SS weapon and their Ice cream item on their head. Just a random thing I noticed. Have fun fighting!
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