Pigineering -  Octopus Weekend Challenge  26 July 2014

Weekend Challenge: The Transforming Octopus!

Build a what!?

Let me start off with this little bit of motivational speaking, in the style of all things Ambitious but Rubbish.

As crazy as this Weekend Challenge is, which is somehow build an octopus from a little pile of Lego, a few tubes of Krazy Glue and a few crated engines from General Motors, I didn’t think it was crazy enough. If the challenge involved attempting a moonshot, you might as well make it completely impossible for your crew and yourself by redefining your terms of participation in the Weekend Challenge. Just so you can make such grand sweeping statements like “Don’t Call me Shirley “We did it not because it was easy, but because it was hard“. 

Face it, refreshing the Bad Piggies Facebook Page for a dozen times a minute and ‘ambushing’ the Weekend Challenge announcement with an immediate image post is something everyone can do. But what about waiting patiently for the topic, taking a nap and coming back tomorrow with donut tanks filled to the brim and internal brain spaces cleared of any boring household chores unwanted distractions?

That’s right, the first five minutes of you coming out of good ol’ uninterrupted sleep delivers the best kind of creative environment baconly possible. If you’re like me, you might even dream of fictional re-imagined 60s’ rocket ships made possible by modern technology and how to cram the most amount of combustion chambers into the smallest possible cylindrical volume without the barest bit of respect to thermodynamic efficiency.

But you didn’t come here to hear me rant and rave about whatever invaded my mind, now ten minutes after waking from my nap and unwelcome distractions such as “honey, where’s my dinner” start to rear their ugly head. No, you wanted to hear what I had planned for the Weekend Challenge and how to make the entire Pigineering Crew mutiny and abandon ship to play Angry Birds Epic.

So what did I have in mind that was so terrible?

This contraption is more than meets the eye…

I wanted to build a transforming contraption. As in seriously, plot out a desired final form, work backwards slowly by trial and error to fold, rotate, transmute, de-evolve said result back into its component parts until it looked like nothing more than a single-celled organism looking as forlorn as like you told it there’s a zillion years of painful evolution before he could be an eagle or a lion.

And then you play it back, like five hundred times over the course of a few hours, scrapping the prototype along the way until you had an “eureka!” moment where at least one component managed to transform itself correctly amid an ocean of epig failure.

Bad Piggies with tentacles! Run! Run far away!

But as the saying goes, epig failure is the mother of success, so eventually King Pig’s cranky old music box encountered the Allspark and transformed into an enormous mecha-octopus in front of everyones’ gaping eyes, affixed in fear upon the monstrous contraption towering above the city hoping humanity didn’t make the mistake of decommissioning the Jaeger Program just yet.

Piglets and Gentlehogs, allow me to present the most insane contraption of them all, the progenitor of all things Transformers and Bad Piggies – Orion Octohogx!

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Name our first Bad Piggies Transformer in the comments box!

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Engineer’s Notes:

To get the animation for the octopus working right, I went to a supermarket that had an awesome Japanese produce section and played with a gigantic octopus tentacle. Seriously, it was huge.

Visit our Facepork Page for more bacon-infused insanity and be sure to check out our YouSnout Videos for more tales of epig failure.

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