Super Angry Birds Tangible Controller Screenshot

Super Angry Birds – An Awesomely Tangible Controller

Out of all the real-world ways I’ve seen Angry Birds controlled / played — and there have been many — the “Super Angry Birds” controller is hands down the most elegant to date. It’s just so darn pretty! While it will never replace a tap or a mouse, it could actually be quite fun to play this way. Now the real question is: how can I get one? Hats off to Hideaki Matsui and Andrew Spitz — the creators of this awesome controller.

If you’re curious as to how this works, below is the info from the YouTube page:

“Super Angry Birds” is a force feedback USB controller for Angry Birds that simulates the feeling of a slingshot. All the controls found in the game are available in this device. You can control the pull, the angle, and of course trigger the special power of the bird. We hacked a motorized fader found in audio mixing consoles to simulate the force you would feel when using a slingshot.

We programmed in Max/MSP and Arduino. For controlling the hardware, we used an Arduino-based microcontroller called Music & Motors developed by CIID.
This was part of the class on Haptics at CIID run by Bill Verplank and David Gauthier.

Project by:

Hideaki Matsui –
Andrew Spitz –

For more info, please visit

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