• surfcow posted an update in the group Badges & Ranking – Nominate & Congratulate 10 years, 1 month ago

    Apparently @Kelani has a sense of humor. It’s not an easy thing to measure so I will have to go with my gut for this nomination for Truffle Shuffle badge. Thanks. Aloha. @sunshine &/or @mumsie42

    • @Sunshine @Mumsie @Kelani said he would let me keep the lead in Beak Impact #2 if I voted for him. So, against my better judgement, add my vote for Truffle Shuffle.

    • @mumsie42 @sunshine unfortunately @kelani offered me no such promise in Timber Tumble, but he has my vote anyway

    • @Surfcow, @rat9 & Hunnybunny all votes added!

    • This is quite an honor coming from ABN’s resident bovine humorist. I’ve enjoyed many of his walkthrough posts during my time here. I do wonder what words of mine caught his attention. Most of my humor attempts are aimed at those poor souls in the BP. Humor posted elsewhere is probably unintentional ;)

      Thank you @surfcow and nice to meet you. From the dozens of mentions I’ve seen lately, everyone is very glad to see you again. I can’t say your reappearance caused a full-blown tizzy, but localized outbreaks of mini-tizzies have been observed.

      And thank you @rat9 @hunnybunny and unnamed mystery voter for the validation and attempted bribery. We can discuss the details of this arrangement in the alley behind the BP.

      p.s. Bring cash. And Mentos.

      • Oops! Sorry @kelani – at my age it’s difficult to do such massive calculations or it was a finger slipping on the iPad keyboard (I usually do B&R on PC) – but it is only three votes thus far. (If you hadn’t commented I may never have noticed!)