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Chew some mint-free gum after every meal. Chewing gum helps with producing saliva, which can neutralize stomach acid. It also causes frequent swallowing, which can clear aggravating acid away from the esophagus quicker. Mint flavored gums can relax the LES and worsen a reflux, so try going with fruit or cinnamon gums.

It is best for people with acid reflux to avoid certain beverages. Drinks like soda, energy drinks and coffee are all big causes of acid reflux. The caffeine content is usually the culprit and can cause the stomach to produce large amounts of stomach acid. They can also irritate the lining of the stomach.

Take off that excess weight. Excess weight negatively impacts acid reflux. By applying excessive pressure to your abdominal area, it makes you more prone to heartburn. Just losing a few pounds will help.

Coffee and tea can trigger acid reflux, so try to avoid them. Both of these beverages are typically high in caffeine, and this is often even true if you choose decaffeinated varieties. Try to limit your consumption of both beverages whenever possible, and instead, make a healthy choice, like drinking water.

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