• Rank: Fling King with 4890 points
  • Score GathererScore Gatherer
  • Jedi AddictJedi Addict
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Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 1,694,050: Ranked 86 out of 1431 w/ 18 scores entered
Egg #130,18038-53028,685+1,495n/a
Egg #215,730359-3,37015,771-41n/a
Egg #360,150352-19,85057,052+3,098n/a
Egg #444,010333-8,15042,855+1,155n/a
Egg #5124,680305-20,940117,622+7,058n/a
Egg #625,0001,073 Top Score!24,944+56n/a
Egg #7136,89099-6,230129,530+7,360n/a
Egg #878,260136-7,66072,820+5,440n/a
Egg #996,19050-16,42080,326+15,864n/a
Egg #10107,080216-23,500110,142-3,062n/a
Rover #11103,730371-21,660103,679+51n/a
Rover #12168,450344-20,110167,561+889n/a
Rover #13150,960339-22,140149,967+993n/a
Rover #14149,690349-16,020149,641+49n/a
Spacecraft #1590,810153-19,75092,855-2,045n/a
Spacecraft #1654,710169-17,49056,345-1,635n/a
Spacecraft #17215,17091-32,110204,119+11,051n/a
Spacecraft #1842,360128-10,59044,405-2,045n/a