Is Angry Birds 2 Coming Soon Teaser Image

Is Angry Birds 2 In The Works? (Poll)

Some impressive sleuthing done by @NerdyBird this morning! While there is basically no information available (we don’t know the answer to “if”, let alone “what”, “when”, or “where”), the existence of the URL will of course spur speculation!

Here’s the only definitive information we can offer: The file name of the image on the above referenced URL is, “BP_underconstruction(2).jpg. Now, it’s entirely possible that Rovio reused the image from back when Bad Piggies was in the works. But it’s also possible that “Angry Birds 2” was the original name of Bad Piggies before a more creative name came along, but the web page was never nixed.

So that begs the questions:

Well, what do you think? Leave us a comment and take our poll!

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