Winter Wonderham: Bring Nostalgia back… permanently! Oh boy, do I miss Winter Wonderham's Original Purple Background AND Original Theme music so very badly... I wish Rovio updates Seasons so that Winter Wonderham permanently get back its original purple background (from version 3.1.0) AND original theme music (from version 3.1.0 to 6.5.0). If you want this, then please support this forum and send the word to Rovio. In any case, why should the purple backgrounds be permanently brought back, well here are pieces of evidence that feature the original purple colors. 1. Winter Wonderham Themed Christmas Cards 2. Angry Birds Trilogy 3. Angry Birds Toons - A Very Toons.TV Holiday Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 4. Angry Birds Season Soundtrack (released in 2018) Album Photo If one were to look carefully, Winter Wonderham is seen next to Invasion of the Egg Snatchers. And as you can see, it STILL uses the original purple colored background... all the more reason that Winter Wonderham's purple background color & original theme music should be permanently brought back. Not to mention that the purple background was also used during the iPad Magician's video on Abra-Cabacon. But what are the other reasons to why Winter Wonderham MUST peremanently have back its original purple background? Well... - Winter Wonderham's Original Purple Backgroun is a more unique color for a Christmas Episode, and Blue was already used in Seasons' Greedings. - I do not like how the blue color change discolors the characters and the snow in the level selct screen, the ending photo, & the version 3.2.0 loading screen. - The Candy Canes and the Ice Castle are more vibrant in the purple background, while the blue background makes them darker and dull. - And just like I mentioned earlier, the purple background has been used subsequent times (ex: Seasons' Soundtrack Photo), making the blue background color change ALL THE MORE POINTLESS! And why is it that, along with the original purple background, Winter Wonderham should also get its original theme song back (from version 3.1.0 to 6.5.0)? Well, the answer is simple... it is a far more unique & FAR SUPERIOR theme song than the 6.6.0 theme, which is nothing more than an instrumental version of Fly Me Home Tonight. In short, Winter Wonderham was PERFECT just the way it was back in version 3.1.0, and did NOT have to be changed. So please support this forum & send the word to Rovio that Seasons NEEDS to be updated because Winter Wonderham NEEDS to permanently have back its original theme music AND its original purple background. You can also help support this forum by visiting the petition for Winter Wonderham from the link below. Then sign the petition and share it.
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