Testing new banner emblem & banner set combos

Hello ABE community, I have recently discovered that the Empowered Comeback emblem disables the Ancient Might proc from the Stone Banner set. I've tested the same emblem on the Veil of Justice banner set and the 80% damage reduction proc works fine. Unfortunately, I don't have any other banner sets to test or any other of the new emblems. I would like to know if any of the other new emblems (e.g. the 30% time jump, 30% blow up) disable any of the arena banner set bonuses. I've noticed opponents using the Empowered Comeback emblem with the Valient Banner set and that proc works fine. I've already submitted a trouble ticket to Rovio about my findings regarding the Ancient Might proc, but I think it'd be helpful to see if this occurs with other combinations too. Thanks all! P.S. I have found that the Empowered Comeback emblem w/ Winged Justice proc is amazing especially with the 20% HP and 10% attack boosts.  
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