I have gone through boards 1 through 6 several times......I am finding difficult to get 3 stars for some... especially on the 5th board...literally 1 piece of fruit and a piece of board was left and I can't anything higher than a 155410... I use the bouncy sling shot for the blue tri-birds it goes over the ice and depending on luck, when the birds bounce around, I can clear all 3 hanging birds...then I used the the yellow bird and bomb bird to clear the rest...I have even cleared the whole board with just the tri-birds but that does not give enough would be helpful to know if others are experiencing this and or if their is a sling I haven't purchased that works gives more points or something...this is my first post I apologize if my references to things isn't official "birdese/language" hopefully it was good enough to understand....THANKS FOR TIME...Keth
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