How Many Snoutlings Do You Want for Latest Update?

Now that some people are playing the new update, I'm wondering how many snoutlings you would want to have on hand to buy new gear (assuming there is a shop in the caves, which I haven't seen so far), or to buy potions to pass levels if you are short on masters and set items. I have >13,000, but would continue playing King Pigs Castle before the update released for IOS if I need more. Are there any new ranks for the birds and/or new headgear? Now playing ver 1.0.14 on IOS. When your birds level up, there are new potion recipes available, so the answer might be ~20,000. I started with about that many, but spent some on increasing the rank of Sea Dog, which I just got, and buying some resources, because I didn't realize there were new potions. I now have <3,000, and there is a recipe for sale for >5000.
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