Help, my Facebook Friends with Rovio Accounts

Apology for the scatter-gun approach here. If you are my Facebook friends playing Angry Birds Epic, please may I have your email addresses that you use to log in to your Rovio account. You can send them to or via Facebook chat. The reason for this is so that I can get Rovio support to help sort out my problem of being placed in cheater league and receiving compensation for game crashes. For those interested, let me explain. Regardless of whether one uses a Rovio account or not, your player ID and game file are saved on the server. In order for Rovio support to edit the game file manually to fix something or make changes, they need to know the player ID which is easily obtained with a Rovio account. Some of the later Rovio games exposed this ID but not Epic, so Rovio support cannot locate the game file without it. However, there is a remote chance that the ID may be obtained through a Facebook friend game connected to Epic using my Facebook ID if the game has been backed up on the server. And since I have not decided to use a Rovio account, the only recourse I have are the Rovio account email addresses of my Facebook friends. So, friends, please send them to me. Those who wish to befriend, visit my Facebook page. Thousands of apologies and thanks a bunch. @shapokomanbeast @bubbley @suzyq Finger cross. There is a glimmer of hope yet. @dallasreds Not sure if your problem with using FB account can be dealt similarly but perhaps this might be something that you can ask Rovio support.
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