Events is Losing Its 'Speciality' as an Event

(I know it doesn't matter to others but I'm just expressing my opinion about it.) I don't know if many have noticed but events like the monster pigs and bird arenas are kind of beginning to feel like a normal thing to the game than an event anymore due to the constant appearance like this: Monster Pig (after 10 days) -> Bird Arena (after 3 or 4 days) -> Monster Pig again And the cycle continues. This kind of thing sort of make the events feel not special anymore and it's starting to feel like it was part of the normal gameplay instead. The events sort of loses its touch as a special thing that will make players feel excited and go like "Oh, an event is coming? Better start stocking up those gems and binoculars, upgrading my birds and ship, etc.". Now, events are sort of like making some players go "Meh, another event again..." and feels bored playing it. I myself sometimes feel bored of playing the Monster Pig events until I skipped the Bird Arena event to get a break from this game before returning once again to the game for the next upcoming Monster Pig event. I'm sure some players might be doing like what I'm currently doing now. I just wish Rovio and Kiteretsu can sort of have a Monster Pig event and a Bird Arena event once a month so that the events can keep the 'speciality' they deserve to have than a normal gameplay instead of cramming them up each week like a can of sardines.
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