The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3107
  • @desparatedan Obviously I’m a Domestic Goddess
    Like Nigella, I’m younger by five months, not so rich - by a long, long way - or so attractive, but at least I don’t sniff cocaine!
  • The Crown is mine!
  • Raining here too hence I've been compiling a cricket II with religious connotations. (as you do)

    1 WG Grace
    2 Dom Sibley(nickname 'The Vicar' - vicar of Dibley, haha).
    3Greg Chappel
    4 David Shephard
    5 Ollie Pope
    6 Ian Chappel
    7 Jack Parsons
    8 Ian Bishop
    9 Sean Abbott
    10 Cliffe Deacon
    11 Dean Headley
    Missing a wicket keeper. Hey Ho.

  • Boring fact. Both Shepherd and Parsons became fully ordained members of the clergy. Yawn, is that the time?
  • Adam (Gil)christ.
  • @BrianN two for the price of one. Would you adam and eve it.
  • Mr Bunny loves it @BrianN
  • Watching The Hundred yesterday, Mr Bunny gone upstairs for a wee
    I shout up “Fatty out, caught by silly beard, bowled by Djovik”
    If you can guess these nicknames we use the Watney’s Red Barrel is on me
  • And a wicket keeper @ixan57 with the biggest ears in world cricket.

    We saw the same game @hunnybunny so I know exactly the dismissal to which you refer but there's no way I'm claiming WRB.

    Did you see that amazing diving catch the wrong side of the boundary in 2nd innings?
  • The trouble with the Hundred is that I can't decide who to support.
  • Just pick a flavour Dan though I'd avoid Welsh Fire, they're not so hot right now.

    Unlike Hansel...
  • Normal service resumed in the test I see.
  • I support Southern Brave, who are bloody awful, basically because they are Hampshire.
    My sister went to a posh private school, whilst I was in the local comprehensive - long story, won’t bore you - and played cricket.
    So she watched BBC Two on Sundays, John Player Cup?, and Hampshire had the best players ever, just inspiring to watch Greenwich, Roberts, Richards, et al
  • Oh yes, Sunday League 40 over cricket. If you took 4 wickets you got a £5 bonus.
  • @brianN I’m hoping that is not the normal test service.
    We nearly paid £240 to see that dismal performance
    Bucket List thing
    Luckily we didn’t, couldn’t have got there anyway. No trains yesterday, no tubes or buses today, no trains tomorrow
    Bring back Maggie, she would these bloody trade unions in their place
    Boris, et al, haven’t a f’ing clue, but Labour are just as clueless
  • *£280 yikes
  • Hey @hunnybunny I seem to remember you having 2 mercs in your drive. That should take care of any public transport issues. No taking care of England's crip cracket... er... crop crucket... er...
  • I have a ticket to the Test from 1971 ( v India at the Oval). 50p for a child, £1 for an adult. Turned up on the day. And it was on free TV. England still got beaten though.
  • Different game back then obviously. In the previous series against Australia England turned down chasing about 240 runs off 60 overs. And those were 8 ball overs. Needless to say Geoff Boycott was playing.
  • Well it happened again. Walking along minding my own business and ended up locked out of Seasons. Genuinely don't know how it happened, have been avoiding Facebook like the plague. So now I'm in exactly the same position as I was a couple of months ago. I don't even have the heart to shout ggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
    They'll never keep me down.
  • Same here @BrianN 3wks now and only at seasonal greedings. Hate these earlier levels
  • Also got to start space, rio and abo
  • Pain in butt. I either have to start again as I don't have any coins to unlock the earlier levels or buy coins(I reckon the 8000 coin bundle for about £20 might do it.) Never gonna happen. Had collected 72 out of the 90 or so hats still available, they've all gone. Had finally decided to make a serious effort to put down some decent scores starting with Trick or Treat and was doing ok, up to Go Green but they're the levels I can't access now. And as serious Seasons flingers know a lot of those early levels have been made significantly easier on the later edition.So have decided to go from the top down to South Hamerica and see if my enthusiasm wanes.
    Rovio/Facebook I hate you.
  • Done ham dunk to get coins then TaT now on SG 18 how depressing Christmas in August. Not bothered with hats but doing the mighty Eagle as I progress
  • And there I am on Bird Island, making very slow progress between 4th and 3rd on ABO. At least if you lose ABO it's not too difficult to open up the levels again. Intermittent access on Android. Sometimes if you keep trying over and over again you can get in. Not a lot of Classic activity, only @HallieGinSB seems to be adding Classic scores amongst the top 10 and she(?) looks to have added about 100k.
  • Bluestacks very difficult to use as some virtual machine activity called something like vmemm keeps eating up 100% CPU. Never had that on older PCs.
  • Oh dear, everyone is shooting at me today in the Challenge.
  • As usual not a clue @desperatedan. Anyway back to Seasons. Managed to wangle enough coins to open up Go Green. All my old scores are there but can't earn any coins to unlock future levels without spending 5 years watching adverts for 8 coins a time or go with Rovio 's not so cunning plan to spend actual money to unlock everything. Back to ground zero it is then.
  • Top five new names for Welsh Fire:

    Welsh Smouldering
    Guy Fawkes is alive and well
    Relight my fire
    Even the Dragon stopped breathing
    Burnt Embers

    Other suggestions welcomed
  • BTW @BrianN if Mrs N said “Let us drive into London in one or the other Mercs?” Or whatever shite you drive
    I can just image her / my reply “Are you f***ing joking? Congestion charge, driving from A to B, nowhere to park, and whose staying sober?”
  • Hey @hunnybunny here's a clip of someone driving shite...

    I'm going Welsh Misfire.
  • So @ixan57 restarted Seasons (again). Ragnahog phoned asking me about deja vu. Not going for hats as I know I can't get them all now. Just earned enough coins to open Go Green and will continue to work upwards posting scores on ABN. I think like @desperatedan I shall use that as my permanent record. Should the nest disappear into a black hole I'm stuffed.
  • Speaking of black holes, while the world is going to hell in a handcart I see NASA is looking to send men on the moon!?!? Is it just me or is everyone raving mad?
  • Glam(organ) Failure.
  • Watching The Hundred and a wee boy held up a sign saying " My dad loves de Cock"
    Ah'll get me coat.
  • Come on Baby Light My Fire

    @asher got my trophy in the Challenge. I almost got a puppy though. However, I realised that when I posted my original score I was only in 2nd place and had been unknowingly promoted in the meantime when the dubious top score had been removed. So I lost a trophy I never knew I had. Doesn't really count does it? That's what I'm saying anyway.

    Did I ever tell you I hate Seasons?
  • Coming round to your way of thinking on that one @desperatedan.
  • Got the puppy score in the end. But a day late. Been here before. But hey, it's all points in the pot.
  • If they awarded pups for day late scored you'd be up there with @comex666 by now @desperatedan.
  • Congratulations to Welsh Fire on maintaining their perfect record.
  • It's an anagram of few relish.
  • The women have finally won. But the men...
  • Stokes, Foakes, where's Woakes when you need 'im? Rhyming XI @desperatedan? Nah.
  • I'll vote for Liz Truss if she promises to ban the Ariba song from football stadia.

    Watching the Arsenal game today @desperatedan (your boys have started well) and I think Alan Smith should be banned from commentating on either Arsenal or Leicester games. He is so biased. He hardly said a word after Fulham scored until the Gooners equalised. Bah!
  • Ah, Alan Smith. 1-0 to the Arsenal, 1994 Cup Winners' Cup Final. The Arsenal squad of 16 was

    13 Englishmen
    1 Northern Irishman
    1 lrishman
    1 Scot
    and a Scottish manager.

    Then they bought Bergkamp and ruined everything!
  • Don't know whether to buy a Ferrari or pay my gas bill. Decisions decisions.
  • Is it a really bad thing to say that we ought to wear warmer clothing in winter. When I was a kid we didn't have central heating through the whole house and we just got on with it. Oh dear, there goes my political career.
  • Just imagine you setting fire to those Look and Learn comics in your bedroom to keep warm. And as a protest for not being allowed The Beano.
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