The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3007
  • Good tune @Ixan57 :D
  • Nice improvement on the challenge @BrianN ! I can't improve at all can't even get into the top 10!
    WWWwwwHhhhhhhiiiiinnneeeeee. .. yeah I would do that in the walkthrough but...
  • Oh very good @kathy, I saw what you did there. Diminished a bit by the fact that I played both of your songs at the same time. And then added @ixan57's to the mix as well. Groovy.
  • Have my crown won't you.
  • Thanks @DesperateDan and @Ixan57 gets the Fez! I'm still trying to figure out your post¿ Whad I Do where? Played 2 songs, then you played some including @Ixan57 's and huh¿
  • Babblers are Babbling..:/ they only talk While the show is on,, they are quiet during the ads!!
    Ohh my Head!!!
  • I guess everyone went to Dreamland, @BrianN you give up to early, you could've won the trophy!
  • Hey, we both whipped @asher's ass bad! (Twiggy having a bad night again).

  • Woot!! Just noticed that @DesperateDan !! AsherBashers :D
    Sorry to hear Twiggy is having another bad night! What do you think the trouble is?
  • It sure has been busy here, like the old days when the BP was new! Love it.
    @sweetp Not really a big country fan, but do like some selections. More of a folk and a rock fan.
  • @brianN @kathy I included addresses from when I was a kid, from both undergrad and graduate years at school, and from the almost decade that I spent working and playing before getting a “real” job. Fun times.
    @catsnbirds I think the surgeries are over. Rehab now. I am walking now, not back to normal yet but feels good to get up and move around on my own. I have to exercise my flinging finger so once I get back home I can play angrybirds.
  • Good to hear @gumby,you'll soon be break dancing and bungee jumping again!
  • Definitely think there's some cheating going on with these house moving figures. No using power-ups! Let's have a clean fight.

    To answer some of ur q's @kathy.We move tomorrow. From a 2 bedroom terraced house to a 3 bedroom semi-detached. From Montrose to Brechin(only 10 miles). I did not give up on the challenge I went to bed(unlike @desperatedan who seems to thrive on 2 hours sleep, I need 8 at least. Any other q's (care of Mrs N Parker) will have to wait as we won't have WiFi for a couple of weeks.

    Definitely vegetable Dan.
  • Sorry to hear about the babblers. Just hate it when real life gets in the way of the tele.
  • @brianN I am sure brechin is famous for something but can't remember. E.G Arbroath smokies, Forfar bridies. Oh i love Forfar bridies.
  • @BrianN again I'm sorry for the questions lol, so. Idk what semi-detached house means, but it seems you'll have more room and still be in the same neighborhood, that's good :D
    Yeah living with Babblers isn't easy I tell ya :(
  • Ohhh nice warm fez @kathy who what's a lump of scrap
  • The thing you have to realise @kathy is that there is an enmity between Montrose and Brechin going back over 700 years. So @briann has committed himself to be ostracized by both neighbourhoods.
  • @ixan57,Brechin has a cathedral. Locals used to say Brechin was the smallest city in Britain.
    1:It's not the smallest city in Britain.
    2:It's not a city. (Try telling said locals, think I'll keep quiet about that little factoid.)

    Just hope the Chinese takeaway's are up to scratch. Who needs culture when you can munch on a king prawn egg foo yung.
  • Brechin has a basin. Maybe @briann's new house has one too.
  • I can't be sure. They do things differently up there.
  • @asher isn't human. Shouldn't have riled him yesterday.
  • Keep on Riling him @DesperateDan , you and @BrianN are getting to him I think!
  • Brian more than me I think. But it sounds like he's going AWOL again so I need re-inforcements. Hey @kathy...
  • It's Montrose that has a basin, I'll be taking it with me.
  • You hold your own pretty good @DesperateDan , that said, I'll try to help out when I can ;) time zones kinda suck but don't count me out.
    Gotta go back to work tomorrow, I'm really not ready but..
  • Apologies for basin misinformation. But we do live in a post truth society (Twiggy restless again so I continue to appear in the BP 24/7)
  • Thanks @DesperateDan for asking, work was actually long, but ok , boss was decent about things, let me take it easy :)
    What do you think is going on with Twiggy? Seems something is upsetting her :/
  • I'm gonna give the Challenge a fling or 2 in a bit, your doing a pretty good job yourself @DesperateDan
  • Not a good day for getting a pup, even for @asher.
    Not sure about Twiggy. A whole week now of not sleeping properly. Off her food a bit. By that I mean she is off her kibble but very keen to eat my food. Seems fine otherwise.
  • @DesperateDan on closer look at the challenge, I decided against it,, Romo got really lucky with that shot , I guess, I should've looked at it more closely!
    Anyway about Twiggy, maybe she ate some 'people food's that's giving her troubles ?
  • Or maybe she's dreaming of what her next 'people ' meal will consist of? ;)
  • Thought I'd leave this here. Such a great high school memory from this song:
  • @SweetP
    Your new puppy is off the chart on cuteness points! Name?
    Simon and Garfunkel have always been among my favorites.
  • @kathy how is the new game shaping out
  • I'd post a picture of Twiggy but I just can't do it - the photos are said to be too large, even though they are manifestly not. Any tips @SweetP?
    You're not giving it away in a Challenge I hope!
  • Well we're in. Still no WiFi and don't know when we'll get. No phone signal either. Have to go to Lidl car park to call. Using my scanty mobile data to say hello. Well done with DC Dan, will have a pop before bed. Loads still to do. Cyanide er, sorry I mean sayanora.
  • Hey @ixan57 @kathy has played 2 levels of new game and decided it's lame. Rovio have already gone into administration."and Dan, feed ur dog proper chunky meat, cut out this trendy kibble nonsense" says Chew Yung Fat, Chinese dog nutritionist.
  • Hey Birdie Freind :D
    @SweetP Omgirraffe Your puppy is sooo cute!! I like the name Simon , she , ( I'm assuming because of the pink leash) I like 'Simon' girls can be called Simon . Or Simone ¿ Nah just
    My girlfriend's grandkids have a Labrador named Larry , after Larry Bird, and she's a she ;)
    @BrianN Happy to hear/read your moved into your new home, thanks for taking the time to pop in and share :D Hopefully you will get your internet soon!
    @catsnbirds It is nice to see the pages turning again, like old times :)
  • So @Hunnybunny doesn't get confused again..
    @Ixan57 yeah as Dan says, the new game is lame , on my phone anyway I only played 2 levels, boring..
    @DesperateDan hope Twiggy is feeling better soon.
    More later.. I gotta get in the shower, now 7:16p.m.
  • @kathy WAXAHACHIE
    @sweetp thats a cute puppy. Hopefully not a yappy one. Small dogs tend to bark a lot. Adorable dog thou :)

    WOOT i get to take an actual shower today.
  • Wondered what that smell was @gumby.

    @sweetpea,it's OK for boys to wear pink.
  • Checking in to Check out .. Nighty Night Birdie Friends ♡♡♡
  • @sweetp I am losing sleep over the gender of your puppy. And if you scroll up, you will see why I was confused over why @catsnbirds thought Simon and Garfunkel were good names for a dog. And maybe @kathy too. If we have another one it will be called Lulu. Twiggy and Lulu, there is a connection.
  • But I couldn't imagine having two to cope with. A bit like kids. We had just the one. That was challenge enough.
    Ha ha ha, my phone insists on capitalising the word Challenge. I wonder why!
  • I am not good friends with the Challenge at the moment. I may have a day off. Mirror Worlds not my favourite.
  • I tell you what, I'll put the fez on.
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