The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2836
  • That special drink is mighty fine @Kathy nice find! :)
  • ROFLMAO wise ass!! :D
  • @jlz-666 said she might pop in tomorrow!! and yep I'm still nutters!!
  • i was trying to copy my Rolly guy but it won't let me!:(
  • I'm surprised that @Ripsy hasn't popped in
    @Sunshine are you still lurking?
    Pop in and say hi to Kimmie!!
  • (Beep......beep...beep). Back it up a little more... Ok. That should be good. Hang here for a bit. It's been a while since I've been here so I'll need to see where we should set up. There used to be an aviary back here. Don't want to spook the hatchlings. We'll stay away from the padded room in the back. Hmmm. If I remember right, there was a back yard that was good for launching. Let me see who is here. Back in a few. (Snick... Snick)
  • So no flinging for you @Kimmiecv ? you still Candy Crushing!!
    OMGiraffe did i tell you I lost Alll my SW progress???? I gave my old tablet to @Gumby , and my computer with my backups Shit the bed!! I'm waiting for Gumby to come over someday so i can try to transfer the SW and Space files to my new tablet.. All that work we did what 3x through SW? gone .. gone..:(
  • Wooottt!!! @AbCrazy ,, yep plenty of room back there!! hee hee!!! Woot!!
  • (Slowly opens door) uh.. HelloooOOOOoo? I heard there is a party here? Sorry it's been a while since I visited. Life, ya know.
  • OMG ikr @Kathy I remember this happening far too often, I'm like your doppelgänger of page turning! Hahaa ooopsy! LOL :D I can't remember how to do Anything pic wise anymore! Yikes and not a surprise! @sunshine is an early to bed gal so she may have gone on her pillow walk already sigh I take it we should still stay clear of lots of emojis, ohhh some of its coming back! LOL :D
    Wow hi @ABcrazy! :)
  • @kimmie and @ABcrazy great to see you both! Cheers!!
  • Oh @Kathy I shattered my newish 5s ( my sis gave it to me when she got the 6s) and when I had to go back to my 4s I lost EVERYTHING too! I now totally feel your pain! I'm just sick over it! I fling but not as much as I used to, I just got out of the habit what with losing all progress and everything I just kinda play around every once in a while now. :(
  • She's AWAKE!! Whoo Hooo!!! Hello sweet @sunshine!!! Awww Thank You for taking the time to shoot me an email too, I'm so glad I came in! ❤️
  • Oh! Hi guys! Good to see you again. It's been far too long. Wow, so much has happened, I don't even know where to start. I got a good laugh a couple weeks ago when I got a shout out for a tip I gave on some SW level. Must've been a daily challenge level. How is everyone doing?
  • It's kinda cool when that happens isn't it @ABcrazy, brings back memories! Doing better on my side, I hope things are going good for you!
  • @Sunshine so happy you came back!!

    @all I'm typing one eyed my contacts are messed that's muy excuse for typing steroids tonight anyway lol!
    ya - @Kimmiecv the emoticons don't work here and apparently no more does my bookmark rolly guy! :(
    @abcrazy looking forward to whatever you have on the back of that truck :D
  • @Kathy I'm not sure how much longer you'll be up, pretty sure your off for the holiday though yes? I need to pop out for a bit, I've a feral kitty with a bad eye I'm working with and I need to go out and spend time with her, she'll only let me touch her and I'm working with her until she's comfy enough I can put her in a cat carry to check her out and get her fixed. I've been working with her for almost a year and only just got her to allow me to pet her and she'll be looking to see where I am. I'll pop back in later if your still around, if not I'll lurk when I can tomorrow too!
    Have fun everyone!! Kiss kiss
  • Hi @kimmiecv glad to see you and very happy to hear you are doing better. Things have gotten better for me as well. I just started a new job 3 weeks ago that is actually a return to a job I had 6 years ago. Sounds whack, but it's a good thing. I'm happy to be back.
  • Awww @Kimmiecv your so good, hope the little kitty will be o.k I'm sure she will with you taking care of her,, thanks so much for popping in, yep I'm off for the Holiday , for a whole week!! hope you can pop back in over the next few days (((( Hugs))))I gotta pop out as well for like 10 minutes to put a warm compress on my eyeball.. it hurts: (
  • Oh, looks like I may be coming in as everyone is heading out. That's ok, I'll check in as I can. We are moving my son tomorrow to school for the summer. Time for him to fledge out of the nest.
  • @kathy I'll need a little time to get stuff set up, hope you enjoy it!
  • I'm sure we all will @Abcrazy thanks :)
    @sunshine do you think cold would be better for my eyeball than warm? is red an he inflamed I thin i got hairspray in it yesterday, i flushed it out with cold water and saline, too my contact out, but still hurts:(
  • Hi @sunshine how are you doing?
  • Wait... What's up with @rat ?
  • @ABCrazy @rat9 got sick with t he flu on vacation in Europe , in the cruise, turned into Pnemonua He's been in a hospital in Paris for a couple months, just finally got a medical Transport back to the states and is doing better, getting into a rehab hopefully soon.
  • Oh, wow. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he is doing better soon.
  • Oooohhh Ahhhhh fireworks !
    Thanks @ABCrazy I knew i could count on you for bringing the Display ;D
  • @kimmiecv!! :) :)
    So good to see you! I'm glad you decided to drop by!
    Of course I missed you :(
    Just seeing your avatar made me smile, brought back memories of your hilarious stories of your snail battles.

    @abcrazy nice to see you too! The reunion party was such a great idea, bringing back old familiar flingers.
  • Hi @karen68 good to see you too! I gotta say, I wasn't planning to do this this long weekend but I'm happy to see all of you again.
  • sorry to be a party pooper. but my eyeball. is aching :%(
    @Kimmiecv Please pop in again tommorow and let us know how the little bugger is doing, I'm sure she'll warm to you soon, of course, what little kitty kat wouldn't ♡
    looking forward i seeing everyone tommorow.. actually just looking forward to seeing in general lol! @ABCrazy can't wait to see what you've got lined up, sure do appreciate your help with the reunion celebrations And sooo good to see you.. you gotta tell us all the going with your teachings . Nighty night
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Happy American holiday weekend folks. It's been a while but I hope all is well with you all!
  • @kathy never a good idea to spray hairspray in your eye, have you tried Visine?
    @kimmiecv Yes I have seen your name plastered all over the SW walkthrus, but now finally there is a live person behind all the chit chat :)
    @ABcrazy PHEW thanks for letting me out of that padded room in the back, I have been held captive there for some time now.
    @FujiToast nice to see you again

    Sorry I disappeared tonight but OB was watering down the drinks SOOOO had to go out and get something stronger :) :) :)
  • Say, what happened? Sounds like everyone flew the coop. As in no post for 1.5 hrs. Heelllloooooo...anybirdie home? @Kathy? @Kimmiecv? @Tom Puss? @gumby? @fujitoast? @abcrazy? A m I crazy? @Sunshine is surely sleeping. @Mumsie isn't in her chair making hmmm...what was it? Blankets? Geeeeezzzz been a loooong time since I've haunted the BP. Tap me if you're here...anyone?
  • Well crap on toast I'm sorry I missed you @karen68 but I'll be trying to get back in tomorrow to maybe catch you if I can! :) As to the frikken snails, yeah I'm still battling them! Jerks just won't take the hint! LOL
    @gumby when @Kathy and I got started we tended to get in a bit of trouble LOL :D
    @ABcrazy I'm so happy for you! I'm glad things are going great with your new/old job! Heehee
    Ahhh @TomPuss my friend we do love our kitties eh! :D
    @Kathy Spooky (my feral kitty) did real good tonight, we sat and talked and I gave her lots of lovin. I'm hopeful I'll get her taken care of eventually, I'm just hoping it's before she gets preggers! I think she's still a kitten though so I've got a bit of time....hopefully!!
  • Oh my goodness! What year did I just click on? How fab! Kimmeeeeeeee! It's you! Like @karen I just loved seeing that avy! Sooooo good to see you sweetie!
    @birdaddict too!! Blimey girl,are you talking to me? Been really bad with correspondence lately but looks like you've been a busy bee? Lovely to see you again!
    I'm trying to suss out my photos. I'm outa the habit. Also very slow so bare with me....
  • @birdaddict!! Whoo Hooo now we just get @JLZ-666 and maybe?! @e-star and we're in!! HAHAAHAAHAHAAAHA :D
  • @kimmiecv helllllooooooooo!
  • Annnd there she be!!! ROFLMAO :D doesn't feel like any time has passed! :D
  • Stop flipping typing at the same time lol!!! Me here!
  • LOL at least you can remember how to kinda do it Jules! Me not at all!
  • Haahaa! Good it begins......
  • Snicker isn't that how we always roll @JLZ-666 :D
  • No Kimmie I'm slow as Hell. So out of practice. It's bringing back memories of being 2 steps behind in a convo when you get started!
  • Ah the fast pace is coming back! LOL
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