The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2726
  • Good afternoon Theo, enjoy your stay in Switzerland. Good to hear that Wolf enjoyed the long drive. I always fear that dog gets bored, restless and wants to get out by such long drives.
  • Good Afternoon everyone ,
    @ bernersenn that's funny about Wolf, dogs love to stick their head out of Windows, but for7 hours is a long time, no wonder he is almost dead lol!!
    @trishohara happy to hear you will join us
    First step is freinds , we can all send you a freindship request or you can either way is
    @bernersenn @gumby @knichy @captrec @hunnybunny and me ,i think some of us you are freinds with anyway.
    Then i will set up a pm including all of us:)
  • Thanks @kathy. I now sent friend requests at @gumby, @knichy, @captrec. Hope they confirm it soon so that I can join :-) With you, Jac and Theo I am already friends
  • Now we just wait until they confirm ,i know @gumby is busy at work and @knichy is busy with family so it will probably be later today , or tomorrow.
    I am on Easter Eggs level #10 right now, is very difficult and needs lots of luck:\
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion:)
    And please serve Andi and Theo whatever they like:D
  • @kathy he looks through the window, not sticking his head out of it. Windows are closed. Speed in Europe, especially Germany is pretty high.
  • oohh @bernersenn, ,yes if speed is to fast, he needs to keep his head in , definitley
    i wonder how dogs see the view at such high speed, and what they think lol, guess we will never know ¿
  • Kathy it is like they have a flirt with the people of the car just behind us.
  • EE-10 @kathy? Oh I remember that level! I spent ages, waiting that this right tower falls correctly. It is evil.

    OB, next round is on me!
  • Lol @bernersenn !
    Yes @trishohara that right tower is evil!! It tips and leans all the way to the left acting like it will fall,, then just stops, balancing itself impossibly!!
  • @kathy you bumped me last night. I bumped you bad today! #7
    Lol, I jest, you'll be #6 tomorrow, there's a group of flingers between those places with very few points separating them.
    @bernersenn love the wolf story
    @trishohara see you in EE
    @kathy remembering you saying, somewhere, that you look at the flinger above you, and try to beat them, gradually climbing up the leaderboard. And you fell out with that flinger., who suggested it. Bet I know who it was....
    Wwwhhhiinned EE 1-9 and 1-10 yuk yuk yuk
    Watching The Olympics, anyone else get caught up in the the greatest sporting event ever?
  • Did you @all also have a lot of levels back to 0 in EE? I'm playing 1-6 right now. Got my score back and improved 210 points. Great isn't it ;-)

    I watch the Olympics right now. TV is showing the tennis match of the German player.
  • @trishohara never lost a score, no idea why I got lucky.

    Hoping Andy Murray wins the tennis
  • Off to watch "how Van Gogh lost his ear"
    I like art and mysteries, right up my street.....
  • @hunnybunny I also never lost a single score here and there, i either lose all or nothing, exceptt Pig Days where i lost the penguin score. And yes that's true and you may know the flinger, but In 'my eyes The information was readily available to all,, and the Nest is about freinds
    and sharing and helping each other improve and reach our goals, with the exception of a few who don't share, I'd rather be amongst the sharers and the those having fun
    and enjoy competing:D
    About bumping me lol Nice Job!!! I'll catch up ,,you Wascally Wabbit!!
  • Wassically Wabbit says "nighty night, looking forward to being bumped, again"
  • Lol @hunnybunny you Wascally Wabbit , I'll try to give you a challenge for when you wake :D
    Nighty night Sweet Dreams; )
  • @kathy WASSSUPPPP your wrong twice Kathy I wasn't asleep my internet failed and had trouble all night getting back on. AND I didn't work today. I was at a Family function down in Hanson all day. But usually you would be right on both those :)
    @trishohara I accepted :)
    @hunnybunny sleep well you WASCAL
    @bernersenn wolf will sleep well tonight
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!
    Lol I usually would have been correct on both parts!! Another coincidence I just moved my daughter to Hanson!! Main Street!
  • @kathy they rented the Hanson AA and had it there
  • @Gumby Do they live nearby in Hanson? What type of gathering, ,a wedding, birthday ?
  • @kathy 2 Birthdays. All around Bridgewater, Halifax, Pembroke,etc etc
  • My sister, ,and ex hubby live in Pembroke, daughter in Hanson, this is a small South Shore lol @gumby,,I lived in E. Bridgewater for a while, Bridgewater until i was 3
    off ti fling. .
  • @kathy quiet night I can hear crickets chirping in the BP
  • *chirp ,chirp chirp.*
  • Lol @gumby yes quiet night, I'm just flinging..
    OB while I'm here I'll have another Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion..
  • @kathy I am watching Tales from the Crypt
  • What channel @gumby I used to love that show! !
  • Guess is time for me to sign out..good night all,,gonna fling a bit, listening to my book Night night
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡ hope you feel better soon, ,sending good healing vibes your way ♡♡♡♡
  • After 27 years I've given up on getting much better @bernersenn. I've been dealing with severe cervical problems since 1989. Haven't been able to work since 1995. I tried to go to school to fill my days but between the headaches and very little sleep I dropped more semesters than I completed. Even so I had a 3.76 GPA. Not as smart as Mrs. Rat though. She was a member of Mensa. How she ended up with me I'll never know. I consider myself lucky in that regard. As far as flinging, about two and a half years ago during Blossom River, flinging started increasing my pain levels almost immediately. Before that I could use flinging to distract myself somewhat from the pain. Flinging is still distracting but I pay too high a price too quickly to be competitive anymore.
    Last week was miserable for me but I've been improving the last few days. I hesitate saying I'm getting better anymore because it's all relative. My better is still bad @Gumby. If you find a pain reduction therapy that starts with the letter "Z" let me know. I've covered "A-Y" already with everything from acupuncture to yoga with a few dozen spinal surgeries thrown in along the way. So yes. ha ha ha ha ha I've tried IcyHot.
    I hope this helps explain why I'm doing more lurking than flinging. I still like to fling when I can.

    Edit: I didn't post this looking for pity. Just as info for flingers like @Gumby who don't understand. Most of the original BP crew already know. Sorry for the rehash.
  • Nighty nite @Ma
  • @rat it makes me feel bad when I read your story. I'm coming back on this later today. Need to have this fit in my brain.
  • @rat hugs sorry you have so much pain and nothing helps.
  • thanks for all the accepted friend requests
  • @rat was there something happened back in 1989? An incident, an illness?
    The combination of having such a good brain coupled to this physical restriction is extremely cruel. Neck arthritis is it called overhere, when I'm good informed.
  • @bernersenn love "this is my world" picture, overwhelmed, can't think of anything to say, but "what a lucky man"
    Enjoy your holiday xx
  • *Late Breaking News**
    Reports of a BunnyBump In Easter Eggs!!
    more bumping expected later in the Day!! the suspense is Who exactly will do the bumping! !
    Stay tuned @hunnybunny; D
  • Darn you @kathy haven't looked yet....
  • Fifty points ahead! Get my crumb! Sorry fellow BPers, you have no idea what my crumb is, although I seem to remember @rat describing a shot by activating on a speck of dust, so he might have a clue....

    And avatar is a very old "bunny invasion" LOOK OUT EE HERE I COME!!!
  • Oh oh Folks looks like @hunnybunny is coming on Fast And Furious, ,resorting to the newly discovered 'Crumb' method!! Breaking out the fierce Bunny Avatar and all!
    Will Kathy survive this latest assault? most likely no sadly only 50 points standing between the contestants :/
  • now with all friend requests accepted, do we chat here about our success/failure in EE or how does it work? @kathy @hunnybunny
  • @trishohara I will start the pm now. wasn't sure if @knichy has accepted..
  • ok the pm is made @trishohara @hunnybunny :)
  • *Breaking News*
    Crumb worked, for a lot more than 50 points, but @kathy used a new, Unknown Tactic, an Unknown Level, and Bunny is still DUMPED
  • Uhhm Idk what happened @hunnybunny ??? Strange i haven't been flinging,, went to the store and somehow I'm now 2k ahead of you¿. Uhmm... Can't explain it!!
  • Guess the unknown tactic is unknown to me to lol,, go shopping maybe it will help lol!!
  • **Breaking News**

    * Mrs Bunny not gone mad
    * Kathy did not make 2k whilst shopping
    * Mrs Bunny put a score in the wrong level
    * Then Mrs Bunny made 2k on another level

    Our roving reporter states that Mrs Bunny last seen shouting "Now #6 Woo Hoo!" Whilst eating her crumb!

  • Hee hee @hunnybunny I knew it! ! thanks to her opponent that always plays fair and square who could have easily taken the unbelievable non flinging 2k lead,advised Mrs. Bunny to double check her board! !
    OB drinks on the house while we all watch unfolding News between the friendly competition :D
    *OB add a double shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging stuff to my Blue Mongo please :) *

    awww shucks add a shot to the bunny 's drink as well.

    OMGirraffe I'm sitting under an umbrella on my back porch which was scorching hot, now is gently raining sooo peaceful..
  • and I got my fit bit,just waiting for it to charge up:) set my weight goal to 95lbs, now it will tell me how many calories i consume ,and burn, with reminders of how many calories needed each day to achieve my goal :)
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