The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2645
  • @kathy there is a rotation? I thought it was randomness
  • @kathy nobody has broken into top 20 on that challenge
  • @kathy yup no SW2 challenges, just the other games.
    There was no badge related to the Santa Hat glitch, but there was one for getting the feather on Seasons Greedings level 16, they closed the badge when Rovio fixed it & made it easier.
    Since it's Tuesday I'll join you with a wwhhiiiiinneee for FHM 14. And 2 fingers of scotch please OB?
  • Hiya @gumby :)
    The challenge rotation is ABO, Seasons, Rio, Space then SW. With the occasional change for special days thrown in.
  • thanks @Karen68 and enjoy your 2 fingers of the Special Stock , I was close :)
    still in FHM ,*sigh* I gotta get back there, ,so much flinging to do, so little time lol
  • book going in my ears, I'll Lurking but probably gonna fall asleep
  • @karen68 hello
    @kathy thought you had fallen asleep already lol
  • I am getting sleepy now watching X- files
  • @gumby love the X-Files, it was a weekly ritual back in the day. And now my teenage daughter enjoys it.
    Thanks for the good stuff @kathy. All that whining is tiring.
    Nighty-night :)
  • Just about @gumby , flinging with my eyes half closed, !istening to my book
    Yw @Karen
  • guess that's it for me lol
    Nighty night all
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Mrs. Bunny, I didn't enjoy your Buzzcocks video. The musicians had no talent and the lead singer couldn't...well...sing. It was painful. The second rendition wasn't great either but at least it wasn't painful.
    Thanks for the rabbits foot. The flesh eating beetles are currently stripping the manky off the bone. I'll take it with me for luck the next time I go to Vegas. Could be in two weeks although I'm not excited about it or made any commitments yet. The wife wants to see Billy Joel in concert.

    Hi @Pellystar, I also saw Elton live about five years ago when he came to Augusta, Ga. Or maybe it was more like ten years ago according to my better half. Yeah, ten years ago. That's the ticket. She's always right. Huh Bunny??

    Good to see you stopping by the BP recently @Karen68. Always informative and a pleasure.

    Nighty Nite @Ma

  • Busy weekend! I had some fling time but no time for comms. Almost done with the seasons free levels, anybody know why you have to pay for the middle two Ham Dunk "episodes"? Wish I could use Bird Coins, I got thousands. I stopped watching videos to triple my rewards 'cause I don't really see where they will be useful other than the 50 per feature bonus level I need to unlock them.
  • My I start Blues night with

    @rat send me the beetles!
  • @all you on the other side of the pond just don't understand punk.

    May I interrupt blues night with:

    If @pellystar is lurking, he'll love this one
  • Big fan of The Cure myself, I remember covering that back in the late 80s.

    @hunnybunny @bernersenn, @Kathy check abra-ca-bacon bonus 2 with the infamous egg-bounce, I hit #6 in about 3 minutes so that one HAS to be easier. I'm a decent flinger, but that's outrageous 8*)
  • Hi @knichy great job of you tonight. Thanks pal. Honor? No, that would be to much.
    Good evening to you all.
    OB, serve @knichy anything he wants.
    My day is almost done, it is 10:30 pm, have to walk the dogs, tomorrow there is a new day.
    I will check these bonus levels.
  • Hi all

    @rat i saw Elton maybe 25 years ago here in London. Fantastic. One of the best live entertainers, along with Freddie Mercury, and Led Zep, ever.

    @Hunnybunny @knichy I adore The Cure, no surprises there. I defy anyone to name better songs than Boys Don't Cry, In Between Days, 10:15 Saturday Night.
  • @pellystar I just knew The Cure would lure you in!

    I'm off to bed, to read

    @rat after reading To Kill a Mocking Bird and Go Set a Watchman, I just had to return to Georgia: Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley and Mammy, here I come....

    Nighty night @kathy @gumby I'll check up on your blues tomorrow xx
  • @hunnybunny your second video said 'not available in this country " Nighty night, Sweet Dreams:)
    Did i miss The Cure ? How did you view The Cure video? Your in the same country as me right? I usually like them ¿ @Knichy thanks for the heads up on the ants
    Abra-Ca -Bacon level and nice find!! Congrats on #6 :)
    Hi @bernersenn sorry i missed you!
    Hi @Pellystar thanks for your help on level 10, I'm still trying, came close a couple of times :)
    But jeeash those white wood pieces must be coated with gorilla glue, they dont give at all, one even stopped my Boulder in mid-roll!!
    OB don't listen to the Bunny, I'll have a Long Island Iced Tea please, with a wedge of lemon:)
  • BTW no walkthrough on the new pig days loch Ness yet, but 144880 is 2* and 145080 was 3* a tight group even @ixan57 would savor. I'm only at 146 and change, looking for a decent 3bird
  • @kathy WAASSSUUPPP
    @hunnybunny Im glad you are participating in blues night :)
  • And a much more recent one
  • Its too bad he passed away 8 years ago at the young age of 41. Who knows what else may have come to pass our ears.
  • I guess I've been out of the working scene for too long v, didn't realize he passed. That dude was awesome!
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! ! Sorry was in the showa ,now eating dinner

    that's where I been sittin' here flingin'
  • @hunnybunny you may have missed prior conversations, but I used to play bass, guitar, keys, trombone, saxophone, flute, and the occasional kazoo solo (yeah really) as well as sing in a series of bands, from heavy metal to reggae/ska to classic rock cover. The Cure is one band I LOVE to play bass to, a good driving beat I could really move around on stage with. Funny, though, I played Sanctuary in two different bands, and always had to take over guitar on that one - but its a really fun guitar line.
  • Sorry @gumby I can't participate in Blues Night: ( had to much to do tonight, now catching up on my soap opera and flinging: ( But you and @knichy seem to have it covered,, and with @hunnybunny contribution it looks good:)
  • @knichy you didn't answer me,, how did you view The Cure, mine said 'not available in this country"
  • Good one @knichy. "One room country shack"
    *I'm going to find me a some kinda good woman
    even if she's deaf, dumb, crippled, or blind.*
    It's good to have standards. ha ha ha

    Edit: Wouldn't want to set the bar too high.
  • Roger that @rat. @kathy sorry I got same messages so played it off my server.
  • Hmm I don't know how to do that @knichy , if i knew what song it is I could look it up maybe?
    Haha @Pa Hi;)
    Yeppers OB I'll have a refill * shhh don't let Mrs. Bunny see* she's sleeping anyway but don't tell her tomorrow,, She'll scold me for double posting, and mixing up smileys and typos etc... i know she means well but heck I'm flinging MH still they've moved on without me!
  • Actually Mrs. Bunny is right... Lol She Usually is, Too many Long Island Iced Teas, my eyes are closing, can't fling off to bed!
  • Nighty Night @Pa
  • Mornin' @Ma

    Why do you want my beetles Mrs. Bunny? You better hurry and watch "Gone with the Wind". There is a movement here by African-Americans to ban that movie due to it's portrayal of slavery. Those who hide history are liable to repeat it. Just sayin'.
  • @rat Agree Mr Rat. Although slavery was abhorrent, the black slaves looked down on "white trash", the Savannah Whites looked down on the North Georgians, Goodness knows what they made of the Carolinas. Nothing really changes (other than government approved slavery) Class systems, snobbery, religious wars...
    God help us
    For some unknown reason, in my minds eye, Mrs Rat is African-American. Tall, good looking, and feisty enough to put Mr Rat in his place, when needed...
    And my Gone with the Wind book is safe in my hands....
  • @Kathy, mine came up with "The Cure - Lovecats" I happen to have a copy of that on my music server where everyone on my team has uploaded a crap-ton of music, I think about 2 Tb of mp3s. You should be able to google it and find It on a US YouTube.

    The PC movement has become overwhelming. no politics in the BP, so 'nuff said (said A-A actor Bernie Mac).

  • Sorry Mrs. Bunny but your "minds eye" needs glasses. You only got two of the four observations of Mrs. Rat correct. I'll leave it to your detective skills to determine which two. One's a given considering Mr. Bunny and I are never right. he he
  • @rat good looking and feisty!
  • Bingo!
  • At 5' 6", Mrs. Rat would say she's tall too. But from my viewpoint, she's short.
  • Now, now Mrs. Hop-along. You don't want to start...
  • Mrs Bunny is 5'5"
    Just average, the two of us, I think....
  • Off to fling in the Dire Ham Dunk, mainly luck based, Dire episode, Dire flinging on my part...
  • I doubt the two of you were ever considered average. ha ha
  • @hunnybunny the level you pay for or free levels? Still no walkthrough for pig days loch Ness!
  • @kathy WAAASSSSUUP I fell asleep early last night and most likely will again tonight especially because I am not flinging the challenge :)
    @knichy hello
    @hunnybunny hello if you are still awake
    @rat are ya causing a commotion amongst the bunnies
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