What do the Pigs in Angry Birds use for protection?
  • What are some things that protect pigs?
    Here are a few:
    *Mining helmets
    *Birthday hats(sometimes)
    *Pumpkins(Trick or Treat or Ham'o'ween)
    *Easter Bunny hats
    *Chinese straw hats
    *Santa Hats
    *St.Patrick's Day hats
    *King Pig's safari hat on Summer Pignic level 1-30
    Tell me some more in the comments!
  • Easter bunny hats, chinese straw hats, and more...
  • Are you sure they are straw?
  • They look like it----I am referring to the brown hats the pigs wear in Mooncake festival.
  • And brick/wood/glass/stone around them.

    Without wishing to sound rude, I'm not sure why you need others to tell you - unless you can't be bothered to go through the levels to find out yourself.
  • I already look at them.But they don't look like they are straw.
  • @CmdrBond-The stone-wood-ice around them can kill them too.Birds can push the blocks and it hits the pigs.
  • @Kun Parekh-Yep,they are straw.
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