Hardest level in Danger Zone
  • If you have played DZ, which level gave you the most trouble? And what are your thoughts on the fact that the achievement was labelled as Danger Zone 1? Thanks, fellow bird launchers!
  • I'll kick off the discussion by saying that level 27 wasn't exactly the hardest when I found a new strategy by another commenter. It was level 30 that almost blew me up. I adapted an attitude of 'take your time, this is the last level', but 30 had me stuck for days before I got 3 stars.
  • Well some of the last few I found pretty tiresome - trouble is I cannot say which was the hardest to 3 star - as I was concentrating on average scores.

    As faras the DZ1 achievement - maybe they will be adding more levels to DZ, hence DZ2 for the next score addict at 6.3m or something like that.
  • For me is was 27. Completing the level was the easy part, but for some reason it took me forever to 3S it. The bottom pig on the far right planet would either not pop or I couldn't rack up enough damage points from the towers collapsing.
    30 was rough too but once you figured out the correct strategy it became one of the easier ones out of the bunch for me.
  • I agree, 27 was a terribly hard level too. 1 in 50 tries would kill the pig on the wires, but even if that happened, I would still not gain enough points (once I got 147980, and I was about to scream).
  • clearly level 26!!! yes 27 was hard but it was kindergarten against the previous! 26 is te only level i didnt even try to improve for getting danger addict! i hated it as hell!
  • 28 has been getting me. Two incredibly precise shots needed for limited upside.
  • They were all torture.
  • 27 hard to 3 star
  • I know. I hated 27 .
  • 26..without doubt. Even 27 you can at least get somewhere and eventually more stuff will fall but 26 is redoing the same first bird over and over and over. "Yay, I finally got the first bird! Smeg!! I screwed up the second." Start over!!
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