Total Score For Episodes Not Updating
  • While going back and trying to "feather" some levels, I have been eclipsing some of my high scores out there. I have verified that these new high scores are not updating my score total for the episode which will not allow me to get the remaining achievements I need.

    Anyone seen this problem?
    Quite frustrating :/
  • Are you getting that high score and then letting the level finish without hitting the mighty eagle? Because after you go into mighty eagle mode, it negates any traditional scoring. It's tough when trying for ME cause sometimes you have to decide which you want more, a higher score or the possibility of the feather. Decisions, decisions. ;) I usually go for the higher score;.
  • Huntermaclean,
    I'm brand new to tech.62&never used a computer until I got my iPad in Oct. I thought I was doing something wrong because there have been several times I've looked at my scores and then achievements ,they don't agree.I thought it might need a lag time to catch up.At least now I know I'm not alone .Thanks
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