Should the Angry Brids go to the London 2012 Olympic Games?
  • I think this would be great for, local version, facebook or season. What do you think?
    What events would they excel at? Would they have special abilities, if so, what would they be? Would they get a new teammate? What does he/she add to the team?
  • I think this would be a great idea! 'Olympig Games', anyone?
  • I'ld like it to be a Local chapter.
  • They'd be good at the long jump. Yellow would be good at pole vault, but wouldn't need pole.
  • @mvnla2 Especially the boomerang bird backwards!
  • defently in seasons to replace 'summer picnic'
  • Following the summer picnic idea -- they could release one or more episodes a day themed on which events were happening that day, maybe only for opening and closing ceremonies and finals of events.
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