Suggestion for Long Threads
  • Now that some of the topics are beginning to spread to multiple pages there needs to be some way to either:
    * jump to last page of a thread
    * jump to first unread message of a thread
    * or jump to last message of a thread

    Also, you might want another set of page links for a thread at the top of the page and not just the bottom. I'm finding it a little bothersome to have to scroll all the way to the bottom to get to the next page when I'm not interested in re-reading anything on the current page.

  • 1 Comment
  • @CougRon Thanks for the suggestion. It's funny, because I literally just did this, "Also, you might want another set of page links for a thread at the top of the page and not just the bottom. I'm finding it a little bothersome to have to scroll all the way to the bottom to get to the next page when I'm not interested in re-reading anything on the current page."

    The other suggestions may take a little more time, but I'll put them on the to-do list. If anyone has any other suggestions feel free.
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