• has anybody an idea when the free versions of ABS and ABR will recieve updates with new levels?
    - ABSF is 3 seasons backward (summer, mooncake, ham'o'ween) and hasn't been updated since april 20
    - ABRF is one episode backward (airfield chase) and hasn't been updated since august 3

    how likely do you think is it that there won't be an update for the free versions because the developers think there are already 15 (ABSFree) or 27 (ABRFree) levels and that this is enough for a free version and for more levels you'd have to pay.
    on the other hand: in ABRFree there are already two empty collumns where airfield chase and a yet unknown episode will hopefully come in, and where stands 'coming soon'
  • 1 Comment
  • I'm sure updates will arrive, thou understandably it is not the highest priority.
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