Mac and PC user - cannot zoom out
  • When I started playing I could use the Mac mouse to zoom out so that I could see the target pigs etc but now I cannot - what do I need to change or press?.
    I use a PC as well and I cannot zoom out on it either - O/S is XP Pro.
    Can someone please advise.
    Many thanks
  • I was able to zoom in and out just now using my scroll wheel. I have the latest update installed.
  • On the Mac - So was I until little grand daughter pressed random buttons but nothing seems to restore zooming. and on PC I have never been able to zoom. very frustrating. I have updates installed as well
  • Have you checked your mouse settings to make sure the scroll button still works? I know it seems obvious, but it's at least worth a look.
  • Not sure which mouse settings to set as not obvious (to me) but no it does not seem to be working correctly with the current settings - off to the manual.
  • You can use the scroll wheel on the mouse or the scroll section on the mouse pad to zoom in or out. PC
  • Also, if you're using a trackpad, you can zoom in and out with a two fingers swipe up and down.
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