Angry Birds Rio Mighty Eagle Requests Page 3
  • It's not clear yet.
  • All right. I give up. There has been no request for a Rio 7-2 walkthrough ME, so I assume it is rather easy. Usually I am pretty good with the Mighty Eagle, but I have tried all types of strategies and still no 100%. Can someone help me? I will thank you all in advance for helping me out.
  • The trick is to launch the Sardine Can slightly backwards, trying to get the Mighty Eagle to follow the path of the structures.
  • Slim, since your iPad now has the ability to record, will you be making ME walkthroughs for all levels(like YotD and SP)?
  • Not sure. Right now, I'm going back and doing individual walkthroughs for all early levels of ABo. (Poached, Mighty, and Danger are done)
  • Uh... it says the post was made on 11/1/11 so I really wouldn't consider that as "new".
  • @blahalb09 actually it's brand new, posted less than 24h ago. The publish date was tweaked so that it would align properly.
  • I always thought that the Mighty eagle was a form of cheat to get three stars. It sounds like there is more of a game to get feathers and achieve total destruction? Is there anything more to it?
  • The Mighty Eagle has two uses:
    1) If you have not yet passed a level, you may use the Mighty Eagle to skip said level. This functionality may only be used once per hour.
    2) If you have at least 1 star on a level, you may use the Mighty Eagle as a mini-game for Total Destruction, which earns a feather when successful. This functionality may be used without limitation.

    Usage results in no points and no stars.
  • Anybody have tips for 7-7? I just cannot place the sardine can.
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