Controls not working on Seasons after video ad plays
  • I've been playing through "Hogs and Kisses" and was playing level 1-4 yesterday when a video ad for the "Harry Potter" movie came up. after I skipped it, the controls were messed up -- dragging on the screen always scrolled the level around, ie I couldn't launch a bird, and the pinch in/out to zoom wasn't working any more. In short, the game became unplayable.

    Is this a known issue, and is there a workaround other than having to go all the way back to the main menu, quit the game and restart?
  • 1 Comment
  • I've been having an issue where half of my screen becomes unresponsive after my phone goes to sleep, and I wake it up. For me, the solution is just to return to the home screen, then back into AB and it works fine. Using an android device here.
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