Summer Pignic crashing
  • Any level I try to load past 3 (even unavailable ones) cause the game to simply crash without reason. Help?
  • Restart your device, connect to WiFi, and try again with an available level (5 or lower)
  • Oh thanks. I've been borrowing my phone's 3G on my iPod because I've been out and about the past couple days. Works now. :)
  • Ok...I am so confused as to why I can't get Summer Pignic to play at all. After I downloaded the update, level 1 will not even open, the whole app closes. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but that did not work either. I just tried turning on WiFi, but now I get the "please check your internet connection" message, and the app closes. I have a htc G2 (T-Mobile).
    Any suggestions????? Please!!!
  • Ok, I think I fixed it on my G2. Go to android market. Hit menu, go to my apps. Hit menu and select settings. Make sure "receive internet based ads" is checked. That worked for me. Let me know
  • Negative. It now crashes after going from one level to the next
  • Aughghgh! I'm having this same problem. It happened once last week, then it started working again, now it hasn't been working for the past couple of days. This means that there are at least 3 levels out there that I don't have 3 stars on yet...!!!

    I hope this is fixed soon so I can continue to dominate this game.

    Oh, BTW, I'm on Android using a MyTouch 4G (aka HTC Glacier).
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