Awards unable to collect!....
  • I've been loving the Angry Birds Star Wars 2!
    I DO have a problem with being unable to collect all of my "rewards"...
    I've achieved a couple of rewards that I'm not able to collect for some reason.
    "Use The Force"
    "Use The Force 2",
    The little "present box" is still visible, but the rewards are not forthcoming no matter how I click or tap.
    I've 3starred every game but I can't collect the rewards...
    Please help,
    Thanks so much....
    Needing some coin......

  • I don't really understand your question. For a list of achievements and what's require to unlock them, see our achievements page here:
  • Oh thank you @PJng, very good clarifications.

    Indeed @Cochise2112, the award that appears to the right of the achievement stays permanently as an indication of what you earned. The award itself, however, appears in your shopping cart.
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