My Birds Are Different Than Walkthroughs (answered)
  • Hello, I am brand new to this game and forum. Please excuse what may be a basic subject, but didn't know where else to get information.

    In theme 1 level 10, I don’t have the same “birds” as the walkthrough. I've got one tiny blue bird, 1 red bird and a yellow bird, not all blue birds. Nothing explodes like tiny bombs as they do in the walkthrough. I also notice that many times the walkthrough birds are "stronger" and seem to hit the targets stronger. Mine are weak many times. Anyone know what’s going on? I’m playing online, not on the phone or pad.

    Thanks for you help,

  • I am so sorry AMslimfordy for not answering you. Just having a difficult time navagating and haven't been back here for a long time. Thanks for your info.

    Ok, I'm on a laptop, and just have started playing. I DID figure out finally how to do the blue birds, but now my problem is that although I just finished the 21 "levels"in poached eggs, I cannot get the next part to unlock. At the end of level 21, the lines just keep loading and loading and nothing happens beyond that. I finally hit "refresh" and it starts all over and I can only play the first level---second one is still locked.

    This is the AB I get when I put "play AB online". So I'm sure it's the most elementary one, and probably the oldest poached eggs one.

    Thanks so much for your help.

  • I just did a google search for "play Angry Birds Online" and I think you might be playing a fake version of Angry Birds. There are only a couple of REAL, true ways to play online but to keep things simple. Your best bet is playing Angry Birds Chrome.

    Below is a link to an article discussing it:
    And here is a video to help you get started:

  • Hello FujiToast,

    Thanks so much for your reply, I'll read about this. I played it at a reputable game site so I'd be very surprised it this wasn't an authentic version, but guess it could happen. Boy do I not want to go through this all again, especially level #20. :-)

    I've only been able to play that one section and also the trial version of Rio. Are there any other free ones for PC's I should know about?

    Thanks again for your help----love the birds!

  • Even if that site is reputable, unfortunately Rovio has not allowed any third parties to use their app, so it's not legitimate.

    Free online (official) can be played at or Rio is not online (yet)
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