Lua File Transfer and Scoring Issues
  • @AMslimfordy, thanks for speedy reply. I understand your logic. Ill have a think and maybe try out some of your suggestions.
  • @foley200 , @amslimfordy , this is a problem that I have also encountered and can expand on, but unfortunately I am also seeking help. I believe the root of the cause is from the change in the level end screen and later the addition of PU's. Piglantis was the final release that used the old menu and score tracking. If you remember when you completed a level a orange bordered box would appear with green background, your score and highscore would show, and additionally your rank according to GameCenter for the episode. Once Back to School was released they converted to the level end screen that is now present today, very similar if not exact as Rio. I believe this change in combination with the addition of power-ups a few months later added to the complexity of the lua file.

    I agree with you Slim that between different releases Rovio most likely has tweaked or adjusted the code. But the question on how to correct or fix the lua file needs to be answered. I'm sure that if either yourself or @birdleader could put us in contact with the appropriate individuals at Rovio they will be able to get this sorted. The highscore file should be nothing more than a list of the levels, highscore obtained, and some other minimal data but it is written in code so they would be the ones to un-encrypt the file and correct.

    In response to the steps laid out to Foley, I can say with confidence as I have done what you suggest that it will not solve for the scoring issue. The scoring works fine in reverse, meaning if you make a gain in v3.3 and then transfer your lua file to v2.4.1 the highscore appears as it should. It is only an issue in reverse as Foley explains above.
  • Very good info there @DonnMega. I believe the biggest contributor would have been the power ups, as this would have added a lot (A LOT) of new coding, even to highscores.lua. If you think about it, it has to add coding for every single level, which is 400+ levels. Roughly this might be a 25% increase. (Highscores definitely has lines for "clean" score and Eagle score already).
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