Lost data
  • So, just a couple of days after I get my scores above average on all levels (except the two cheater christmas ones) I lose still of my data. Let's hope that starting over from scratch helps me get higher scores.

    PSA for everyone, make sure your backups are updated and not corrupted like mine were.
  • Was this for the iOS version?
  • Sorry, no. This was on android.
  • Sorry to hear. Can't wait for AB Sync.
  • Yeah, that will be nice. Now I just need to figure out where the fruit in Rio are saved since they don't seem to be saved in the highscores.lua. Though, they are easier to get back then a lost score.
  • Be sure to copy over the settings.lua file as well (it's in the same directory). That is where the Golden Eggs are stored, so I presume that is where the fruit is store as well. Could be wrong, but you definitely want both files anyhow.
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