Block and Items Ideas
  • Ok, it seems you have done a fourm for every single aspect of the game. I just hope not on the BLOCKS and items. Well, here is the fourm!!
  • A sticky block could be cool... Stuff sticks to it!!
  • And there could also be a treasure chest that can contain stuff in it, and once it is cracked open, it releases the item.
  • There is not any other block and item ideas post, right?
  • I've mentioned this before on other threads but I want to see a metal block. I'd like to see that along with something electric, a bird or battery you can knock on to the metal block and it will conduct the electricity to any end point where pigs can be sitting
  • @lostgreybird Woah, your idea is awesome!!! Maybe metal could also pass electricity into water in levels that have water in them!!!
  • To reply to @lostgreybird's comment, I think this would go well with a magnet bird that pulls metal parts towards it.
  • @angrybirdsspacemaster @lostgreybird And a magnet block! Maybe the (lost) Grey Bird could be a electric bird. And Matilda''s egg bomb too!
  • Any more non-metal related ideas? Because we already have too many metal thingies.
  • invisible bricks!
  • @Birds They are in Haunted Hogs !
  • @Fooly8 Chocolate Blocks! which can be melted by Fire Bomb Bird :-D
  • No, the blocks in haunted hogs are ghost blocks, which the birds can pass them. What I meant is the invisible blocks can't be passed by the birds and completely invisible.
  • @Birds Nice idea!!!
  • Well, there are new Pink blocks with star in it, in next AB Seasons update. I'm guessing which bird will be suitable for that blocks to destroy them completely. What if Rovio introduce a new Bird for that :-)
  • I like Aman's chocolate block idea. However, I think that would've been fitting in utopia, which is already closed :/
  • @Birds, that's a horrid idea, your invisible blocks. My device would be snapped sooner if Rovio put those in :P
  • Hehe, my device would be snapped too and getting errors :-)
  • Wow how did I miss this thread earlier? :P Anyway, my suggestion would be a block which, when hit by an object, will disappear and cause the objects on it to fall down below.

    Omega X
  • My idea is the block that has a shape like pig to fool the birds
  • Teleporting Blocks:

    Blocks that reappear in other places after 10 seconds pass
  • How about a block that can be moved but cannot be destroyed?
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