rio code for pc
  • hello everyone. i am new here so apologies in advance if this topic was covered before. just installed angry birds rio 1.4.4. in my 8 years daughter pc. i am asked for a redeem code. went to internet search but codes available not working, can anyone help please?
  • Sounds like there is no way to get it for PC unless you buy the DVD. Too bad we can't get it like the ios devices.
  • I thought that Golden beachball wasn't available for PC at all. I've been wondering what's the "redeem code" -button in the game. Wow, I'm feeling ssooo smart right now :D @slim big thanks for the link! I haven't seen the movie so I just ordered the dvd. Hmph, I still need to wait for it until next week, 'cause of the easter...
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