The Croods Tips and Tricks: Ask Questions, Get Help, Share your Tips (Moved to the "New Forum"!) Page 3
  • @sal9 How many coins is the max production for the owl bears and how frequently are the coins produced?
  • Berry Bush: 50
    Bear Owl: 200
  • For 5$ it looks like I could get all of the owl bears.

    I know you can evolve the home on the first go with only feathers. I hope it doesn't require crystals.

    Somebody was saying that they didn't use the owl bear though, that they make money trading for soup. So I don't know if it is worth the purchase. I was hoping the berry bush went higher, I'm already at 38, maybe it will evolve to 50 at some level.
  • I deleted the game for the second and final time! See my comments at:
    I will continue to watch this forum to see how far anyone gets.
  • @easaideee most players don't buy things in game. As I wasted crystals on accidental tapping them I didn't have enough for trading them for owlbear. It is pretty easy to trade goods with Ugga. Slowly but steady everyone may progress to level 20 and I wonder how long it would take.
  • @cosmo2503 How does anyone know the final level yet? Especially since you have to wait 70 hours to build the home for one of the final creatures. Is that a guess?

    Can someone tell me how useful they find the owl bears? There is another coin producer, what is the max coin production that one?

    I'm tryin to get 22,000 to build a home. How much more money can I expect to have to spend?
  • Land whale eats leaves and he makes 250 coins to start, then second upgrade is 500 and I don't know what the last one is. I wouldn't spend crystals on him first but if you have real cash to spend you could get him. Getting coins from him does make things easier when you've gotta build these homes that cost a ton of coin
  • I don't know why this happen all time. When I wo to sleep or anytime I wanna to leave game for long time I feed all my creatures to full. I have 3 molebears, two of them eating 16 berries and one 24. No matter what time I open game again they never finish eating, actually they eat only 6 berries. Why?
  • @cosmo2503

    Because it is an online game you can uninstall the app and reinstall it without losing progress.
    It seems like you have a bad installation for some reason.

    @lostgreybird or anyone with a plans whale.
    How frequently does that whale produce coins.
    I just spent 15000 to evolve my shark and now I need 20000 thousand. It would be nice to not have to spend another entire day getting those coins.

    Will that land whale be worth it? I know everyone says the berry bush is more important but my berry bush is at 4/5ths it maximum production rate. I don't know if I will even have enough trees to get it though on top of the 130 crystals you can get with 5$ and I'm not spending 15$.

    This game is beginning to interfere with doing other things in life.
  • @cosmo2503 That's weird! I've got three molarbears too (1 eats 24, second 16 and third 8) and when I feed them full and stop playing and check back about one hour later they're all finished eating.
  • I guess it might be some bug in my game as none have such experience. That's weird.
  • @easaideee 2.5 coins per minute withe a starting max of 250.
  • Im putting together a hefty spreadsheet of costs of all traps, homes, evolutions, and animal upgrades. There are some spots I don't have because I've passed them already. Ill post a link to it by the afternoon but if anyone can help me out before then I appreciate it. I'm missing

    Original Max Carrot production for Molar Bear Home
    Max Carrot production after first evolution
    Soup used in Level 2, 3, 4 (for example level one needed 1 Soup 3 times to get to level 2, just give me the 1 soup)

    Original Max Rock production for Bunny Beast Home
    Max Rock production after first evolution
    Soup used in Level 2, 3, 4

    Original Max Leaf production for Giralephant Home
    Max Leaf production after first evolution
    Soup Used in Level 1, 3, 4

    Original Max Feather production for Albatroceros Home
    Soup Used in Level 1, 4
  • FWIW:
    MVNLA @MVNLA 20 Mar
    @pvesterbacka Too easy to spend crystals in Croods by mistake. Desperately need pop-up asking if you really want to. Very irritating.

    Peter Vesterbacka @pvesterbacka
    @MVNLA will check into it
    05:28 PM - 20 Mar 13
  • I am on level 16 and I have 65 feathers in cave and 60 more. I don't have crystals for landwhale so I am very confused whether I need those feathers at all. Does anybody have any advice? Will i need them ever on upper levels? For what? Ugga never asked them for her soups.
  • @cosmo2503 -- Ugga does sometimes ask for feathers. I routinely got new recipes if I didn't like what she was asking for.
  • @mvnla2 even if they do that's too late now for those who are not going to spend real money on them. I could say that is made by purpose and what is really contra game is that some so simple things are "mega-over-priced" in crystals. by this I mean 5 crystals on instant production 15 carrots - c'mon there's no common sense in that.
  • @cosmo2503 feathers are primarily used to fully evolve the first few animal homes, they are similar to rocks in that they are never fed to anything but are used sort of like currency
  • Link to the spreadsheet
  • Wow, 45,000 for a Zeefer huh?

    @lostgreybird Do you think you could add some other stats such as how frequently the catfish produces mud?

    Anybody else just waiting for stuff to be made?

    @cosmo2543 15 carrots for 5 crystals. I agree. It's kind of misleading too for people who don't know what they are worth.
  • Has anyone created a fork lift yet? Where does it go? Is that the end of the game? Are there a bunch of trees in the new area assuming there is a new area?
  • @easaideee I do have the production rates on their but I don't know how to get the whole thing viewable online. I'll just take 2 screenshots I guess and repost them. I'm on the last part of the forklift but it asks for 50 mud, 50 fish, and 50 sticks (which come from the Zeefer whose home I'm still waiting 160hrs 48m and would cost 3812 crystals to complete). I can only expect that he'll produce 1 stick per 2 mud and it'll make between 3-5 a day.
    So I think that this forklift is the end of the game until another update.
  • I hope that new update wouldn't start with harder tasks then those in area 2 of current game. It wouldn't be motivating at all to start with such demanding quests that would take 10 days to complete one.
    @lostgreybird thanks for all help.
  • Nice work @lostgreybird
    I updated your main post
  • @cosmo2503 other games do it though. For example I just started Clash of Clans and they recently had an update with a bunch of new characters. Problem for me is that those characters are bought with something I haven't even leveled up to. I really don't mind it. This is the same reason why I started The Croods the second it was released because I want to be as far as possible when updates do land.

    As far as waiting goes, once you level up your animals they actually start producing stuff at what feels like a very reasonable rate.
  • @lostgreybird I thought that my character gets to meet more characters than that. Hmmph. I didn't know that there will be an update for this game.
  • @easaideee I don't know if there will be an update or not but I would expect it. Rovio has always done updates and updates with new features in a game like this keeps the money rolling in
  • @all, have you removed all trees and stones in second are while waiting houses to be finished? Is it worth of spending coins? How long does it take to evolve sharkodiles home? How many bones one has to have in cave's storage before stating this task?
  • I know that the number of coins I could earn would not be enough to buy the whale even with a 5$ in app purchase. Even if I could make it within a few coins I would still have to calculate the risk of accidental presses which are really difficult to avoid.
  • my recommendation is to look at the chart I made of how much stuff costs. Then only make an in app purchase once you know you've got all of the criteria except the crystals.

    @Cosmo2503 I have forgotten to check the start time of all the durations to build each time I start something but it is something I would like to include in the chart. If people can let me know what the figures are for the stuff I'm missing it would be a great help, because at this point I'm going to start selling and rebuilding some of my earlier homes/animals just so I can get those figures.
  • I'm on the phone, so can't check back and forth, but I'll just write a few down here, and hope some are what you need to complete the lists:
    Bear owl. Lvl 1 c (cost): 5, s (speed): 75/h. Lvl 2 s: 83.3/h. Lvl 5 s: 2.1/m
    Land whale lvl 2 c: 20 s: 2.8/min. Lvl 3 s: 3.1/m
    Crocopup lvl 1 c: 6 s: 32/day. Lvl 2 s: 35.6/day. Lvl 3 c: 18 s: 40/day. Lvl 4 s: 45.7/day.
    Sharkodile lvl 3 c: 21 s: 20/day. Lvl 4 s: 22.9/day.
    Giralephant lvl 1 c: 3 s: 8/h. Lvl 2 c: 6 s: 8.9/h. Lvl 3 c: 9 s: 10/h. Lvl 4 s: 11.4/h. Lvl 5 s: 13.3/h

    Hope some are useful. Just sitting here waiting for my godawful four days for this mudmaking home to finish, so I can complete the entry to ( I hope) the third area.
  • Anyone have a list of Gran's Chores?
  • Thanks @vattie . @jinnman I don't there there is really a list. They become random when your in a particular level long enough but they usually start off each new level with you having to 1) build a home for the new creature you unlocked in that level 2) catch that animal 3) feed that animal 4) evolve or level up that animal 5) building one of the new decorations you unlocked in that level 6) have multiple of some animal you already had one of.
  • This forum is getting to be really good. Wish it had existed when I started, but no way am I starting over.
    I think the main post could use a re-write to include more hints on strategy, now that people have played longer.
  • @mvnla2 yeah I was surprised at how little direction there was when I first started playing. I kinda just plugged in animals and learned on the go like most of us. I'm not a great writer so I'd rather not rewrite the original myself but I really don't care what happens to the post. I do plan on filling out the spreadsheet completely eventually though
  • I am 100% sure that I removed big and small trees in far right corner in second area yesterday and didn't loose my connection after that. However this morning trees were on their places again. Is it possible that they can "grow" again if some other object isn't put on cleared place? that is really strange, but for any case it could be I placed some decoration to cleared places.
  • I cleared both areas a long time ago, and I haven't seen any regrowth. Would love for it to happen tho. Have for the umpteenth time managed to spend my hard earned crystals on useless speedups.
  • Bunnybeast: LVL 3: s:15,0/h. LVL 4: c: 8, s: 17,1/h
  • @vattie maybe I am wrong and that I forgot which trees exactly I removed, I was confused this morning so I asked if anyone had same thing happen. It would be great to have trees regrow and earn some crystals for max 1000 coins, while waiting all other things be finished. But loosing those crystals by accident draws me crazy. Yesterday I lost 11 on speeding stone production.
  • Cave evolution.
    I don't remember what it took to get to the different stages, but the max upgraded cave takes: 150 carrots, 110 stones, 60 soups, 150 berries, 80 feathers, 110 leaves, 65 fish, 80 bones, 50 mud, and 50 sticks.
  • There are a lot of characters in the game that the big guy hasn't met yet. I hope that there is more stuff after the forklift.
  • @lostgreybird -- Your writing is actually quite good. If I wasn't clear, I think the main post should be as close to a strategy guide as possible, and a lot has been learned since you started it. Maybe @Sal9 can take a crack at making it up to date, if you don't want to?
  • Thanks @lostgreybird I don't want to start evolving homes or creatures or maxing out number of homes only to find out it is one of Gran's Chores in later levels. Furthermore, it seems each level has 3 chores. If you happen to level up before completing these 3 chores, then you get the next three.
  • @mvnla2 I updated the main post
  • @jinnman I think so, I think I remember there being more than 3 chores for some levels as I progressed further. I do however remember really focusing on the chores up until the second part of the game
  • Has anyone seen the movie? Are these animals in it and are there any other animals that were in the movie that are not in the game?
  • @lostgreybird -- It seemed to me that the amount of food required to fill up a creature, and the time required to need a refill depended on the level you were in, or maybe the number of those creatures you already had. In any case, the first molarbear I tamed required the smallest number of berries, and took longer to require a refill than the last, which required a lot of berries, and needed a refill more quickly than the first. This was true even if you had totally leveled up all of them and all their homes.
  • @lostgreybird thank you for great update of your original post. Everything now is much clearer, well, if only I haven't lost those crystals in such stupid way.
  • do you need to fully upgrade sharkodile trap to catch? if so. what other animals require fully upgraded traps to catch?
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