Why can't I log in?
  • Trying AB for the first time this evening. Every time I try to log in I get this error message:

    Error: Server Error

    The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
    If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it.

    This means I cannot start. Any suggestions?

  • I wish I could help, but I don't know of any place to "sign in" to Angry Birds...
  • @AMslimfordy, isn't there a registration needed in the web games? I haven't been playing those for a while, but somehow I remember that you need to create an account so you can play them. Could it be that it's a web game that isn't available anymore?

    @Theo, I think the easiest way to try would be that you download the demo version from Rovio's web shop. You didn't mention anything about the device you're using, did you try on PC or iPhone or what? When you download the game, it never asks you to sign in to anything.
  • Quite right. Could you tell us what device you are playing on and, if it's a browser-based game, what's the URL?
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