AB Horror Stories
  • Does any one have an AB horror story?

    Like the time when, one day I'm rooting through the file manager on my Xoom, and I ended up, unknowingly and mistakenly, zapping the data file for AB Seasons, when I had but three stars to go until total 3-star completion of the whole game.

    That was a day that the invective flew fast enough to melt steel, I can tell you, but, unfortunately, there was nothing to do but start completely from scratch once I quit gnashing my teeth. Bummerrrr....!!!!!!

    Let's commiserate....

  • Here is my story:
    When I play angry birds on my computer,the blue bird turned into a blue screen of death!(I mean when I'm gonna use him,the blue screen appears)I'm so scared of playing angry birds again!maybe there will be red screen,black screen,white screen,etc.

    With fear,goldeneagle15(Caesar)
  • @goldeneagle15 - Blue birds = BSOD??? Wow. I haven't even seen the BSOD in many years. Perhaps a good diagnostic routine would help fix the problem...
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