ABN Avatar Contest 2013 (Moved to the "New Forum"!) Page 21
  • Thank you, seasonsking! It really is nice to know that you would use your last nomination for me, from the bottom of my heart.
    And I think.... hm.... can't decide on @ibird or @seasonsking....
  • My November nomination goes to the little stinker @burpie.
  • hahahah @rat the wall is updated with the little stinker, now go try and kick his butt ;)
  • @estar the Countdown comes near. Can't wait for the voting :-)
  • I would like my final nomination to go to the new Autumn Avy from @sunshine It's lovely to see Emilio,baby and Brenda-Lee! Well done everyone here in ACT for their hard work over the year :) Oh BTW I didn't use every one of my nominations.....can I get backdated? LOL!! Roll on the voting!!!
  • @JLZ I am going to see if I can move the header to the new forum so we can continue there. Everybody is in there so I figured we move as well. Maybe catch a couple of newbies and have some more nominations up on the wall before December 1th ;)

    btw your nomination was number @180 !! Wow!! Will add it when I get the header over to the new forum.
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