Angry Birds Anonymous Page 10
  • Hey @Sparty83, you can add me to the step 1
  • @fire bomb bird, Sorry for missing your name. It has been added to the (growing) list of Step 1
  • @Hunnybunny -- Thanks for the tips! Not sure that I can use very many of them though:
    1) No washing line, we only have dryer.
    2) Might work -- will have to investigate
    3) I never bake, so I don't think he'll fall for that
    4) He's allergic to anything that smells enough to be noticeable. Otherwise and excellent idea.
    5) Could try that one, but it won't help with the list of chores he leaves for me to do, and keeps reminding me about.
  • I have an ex work colleague. Tall, dark, handsome. If I wasn't married.... And if he didn't have a tall, thin, blonde wife, and three kids. Ah, well.
    Anyway, we're friends on Facebook, and he invited me to play against him in another on line game.
    I turned him down. No time. Angry Birds rule.
    What was I thinking?
    The addiction is worse than I thought
  • Another tip for the day:
    When engaging in an extended fling fest, change positions and locations periodically. This will help reduce the chances of embarrassing overuse injuries such as elbow or wrist blisters (from supporting your device on a table or other surface). Soft items such as pillows make nice device props.
  • @hunnybunny Always appear to be in the middle of one of your 'tasks' when he gets home. Be up and moving around, not staring intently at a screen! Laundry is one I use often. It's easy enough to grab a pile quickly when I hear the car pull up....
    I mean....hypothetically that is.
  • @ABCrazy -- Don't have a blister, but I do have a subcutaneous lump of ??? (fat maybe) on my right forearm. I originally got this at work (one on each arm, I think -- I spent a lot of time at the computer), but thought they would go away when I retired. I only have one now, so maybe it is going away, but much slower than I expected.
  • My name is Rat and I have a problem...No, I don't drink alcohol, but I have a problem...No, I don't do drugs, but I have a problem...No, I don't cheat on the wife, but I have a problem. My problem is with everyone thinking because I can't stop playing Angry Birds...I have a problem. Maybe my problem is I can't admit...I have a problem. I think I see where my problem is...I haven't made it to step one yet. How many steps do I have left before I'm cured? (Work in progress)
  • Welcome @rat. I don't have a problem either. Everyone else seems to have the problem..... Not me. Like @hunnybunny, I do what I can to reduce how visible my play time is and we all seem to be happier for it. ;-)
  • @mvnla2 Sounds like you've built up the protective padding or callouses pretty well. You may not want it to go away completely. It could hamper your play time!
  • Welcome Rat,
    There are a total of 9 Steps. No need to rush out and try to complete them all in 1 day. (that would take away from precious bird flinging time).I started this thread last October and I am still on Step 1.
    For coming here and admitting that others have the problem, I will put you at Step 1. (after all, you did admit to some sort of problem, even if it's not your problem)
  • After an agonizingly long wait, Abra-ca-bacon finally turned up, held off as long as I could but finally fired it up just 36 hours ago. 3-starred all levels, although I needed a few video views to get there. A bit disappointed that I had to wait so long, just for that. And since I didn't like it very much, I'm not tempted to go after averages or enter my scores either.

    Does this mean my addiction is starting to wear off?
  • No, Kewpie, no
    You're just in denial :-)
  • I saw my name on the list, but I wouldn't consider myself to really be at step 1 or even need to be. I just play AB as a pasttime, or at least not like a huge addiction.
  • As Hunnybunny just stated "You're just in denial :-)"

    If you take the time out of your busy day to come here and "deny" any problems, then you are in the same boat as the rest of us.

    Welcome theanonymoussomeone
  • I don't think I'm in denial, just selective about my addiction. I'm seriously addicted to AB and the first two years of Seasons, but only mildly addicted to the later stuff, and not at all addicted to all the promotions for other stuff, which I am heartily sick of in the Android version. Paid up to get rid of the popup ads, but can't find any way to banish all those ads for stuff like Croods that I have absolutely no interest in.
  • I know right? I keep seeing the AbracaBacon ad WHILE I'M PLAYING THAT CHAPTER!!!!! Gah!
  • @tas, @Kewpie, if you guys don't want ad, you can turn the air plane mode on. No internet connection-no ad :)
  • I should nominate you for High IQ @fbb. LOL :D
  • Also when you are in airplane mode, you don't get interrupted by all those annoying phone calls and text messages. Those can really disrupt your flow.
  • But you can't watch the toons
  • Well, I FINALLY three starred ALL of ABS! SG was my last remaining chapter besides the bonus levels. 1-17 took me 4 tries. So.... where do I start leaderboarding in ABS?
  • @fire bomb bird, are you playing AB to watch toons or kill piggies?????

    (there is only one right answer and its not the first one)
  • OK, I play AB to kill piggies but I turn the air plane mode off to watch toons every Sunday
  • I've never even watched one of the AB toons episodes, are they good?
    Oh, and congrats, @theanonymoussomeone;D
  • @sparty83 - I guess you can add me to the Step 1 :D
  • Why're you can't watch the toons, @AM ?
  • They're pretty good @AM
  • I can watch them, @firebombbird, but I haven't given them the chance yet, maybe I should give #1 a go:)
  • Welcome Lisko,
    Although I don't expect to see you or anyone else here for a few days now that AB:SW dropped a new release.

  • @sparty83 I think I have an addiction to Angry Birds, I guess you could add me to step 1 :)
  • Welcome Harrystar6,
    I know today can be a tough day with the release of 22 more levels to AB:SW, but with perseverance, we will all get through this.
  • @Hunnybunny it sounds to me like you have quite a bit of experience in this area. Internet food shopping is brilliant. I have a built in flinging regulator as I work with my husband. But night time is for the birds! I've been known to pull off #1 & 5. But I'll have to try 2,3 & 4. Thanks for tips. @abcrazy I've never used post it notes to mark bird position. Have you really done it? Might have to try it.
  • @bird_addict Yes, I've used the post it flags (the kind with a pointy tip - they are transparent) on a few levels where either there isn't enough background to find a reliable aiming target, or when the the shot has to be so precise & it takes too long to find the perfect target repeatedly. I don't use it often, but it does help sometimes.
  • Today an update to Angry BIrds (original) came out and I have only played about 20 minutes and only 4 levels. Not the usual 6 to 8 hours on previous updates. The best part, I have absolutely NO desire to go back and play this update. It's not bothering me that I have not 3 starred all levels.

    If all future updates are like this one, I will be cured in no time. And will not be playing any, yes ANY more angry birds.
  • 2 days, really, only 2 days!

    back into the abyss!
  • Hello, my name is DT, and I have a problem. I have to complete the game 100 percent, but I don't know how to get all of these things:

    I don't even know what they're called!!!! Help!
  • They are gotten by getting all of the mighty millennium falcon medals in each respective world, @dt:)
  • Millennium Falcons earning more: How do you earn more Millennium Falcons once you have earned 3 stars on ALL levels? I am trying to medal & ran out of falcons.
  • Extra symbols: what do you do with the symbols next to the lightening bolt in the upper left hand corner of the screens?
  • I don't think I have a problem. I only play AB when I'm awake and the sun is shining. But sometimes I guess I've put other things off to play while it was raining. I know I almost never play during my regularly watched TV shows, but well, yeah, lately it's been the off season so I guess I've not been watching TV as much as I thought I was. Of course you can't play AB and read at the same time!! The fact that I haven't finished a book since 2008 really has nothing to do with it. I can't play AB while I eat, can I? Of course not! I know I've foregone sitting down to the table, and of course, this IV in my arm has nothing to do with how much I'm eating. If I had a problem, do you thing I'd be able to sleep the number of minutes I'm sleeping? I have to give up AB to sleep that much, you know? Just think of all I could be getting done with each of those minutes! I'm probably missing the end of another level!! I'm not an addict. I'm really not. Taking my daughters Ritalin has nothing to do with the number of hours I spend here or the amount of time I spend sleeping. Just leave me alone. Can't you see there's a new update! I've got to get that NOW!!
  • lol @gracie:] @flaviosmarita, you fet 5 faclons basically halfway in-between the amount of stars required to unlock one of the bonus levels, so once you have completed the game with 3 stars, the only ways to get more Falcons is; 1. There is an opportunity that you could get one every day in the daily reward, but I haven't got one in the last month, so 2. ...your best shot would be to buy 299 fr $19.99:]
  • @Gracie you must be a descendant of Madame Bollinger, of the champagne house, quote

    “I only drink champagne when I'm happy and when I'm sad.
    Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone.
    When I have company I consider it obligatory.
    I trifle with it if I'm not in a hurry and drink it when I am, otherwise I never touch the stuff unless I am thirsty.

    More champagne please for me and Gracie to wash away our addiction
  • Welcome new members


    I will add you all to step 1, although Gracie, I think you might not have a problem so not sure what step to put you at.
    (I don't have a problem either, can't relate to anything you said, it's all foreign to me)
  • @Gracie I don't have an addiction problem either. I love my "played 30 hours straight award"
  • To HunnyBunny:

    I absolutely adore your post, but it doesn't apply to me, Dear. There IS an empty bottle of champagne here beside me that has been there for a couple (few? many? several?) months. But I had to give up drinking as I don't go to the store anymore. I'm busy these days, ya know? Occassionally a friend will remember my drunken days and take pity upon me and pick up another bottle for me on their way over to pay my nurse. They just don't understand my desire to just get this newest update downloaded so I can move on to other things (a NEW level?!?!?!? WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT?!?! IT IS A NEW LEVEL!!!!!) There was some concern expressed, though, when they thought I was using that empty bottle as a lavatory. Believe me I didn't waste any time showing them that shoe under my bed.

    To: sparty83:

    I'll have you know I just took time away from my game to look at your list again. I believe I'm at NUMBER WHATEVERTHISIS: "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." Can't you see my fearless self, morally searching up there in that reply to HunnyBunny? Now, PLEASE just go away!!!! I can't be expected to get anywhere with this if people won't leave me alone!! Why don't these games come with extra men? All good games, once you've reached a certain number of points, will give you an extra man. God knows I could certainly use one right now!! A R R R G G G G !!!!!! Figure it out Spurty37. Do I look addicted to you? How hard can it be!! Just do it. Ta ta for now.
  • Calm down, hunnybunny, this is not a matter of life and death. So you've never won the puppy. WTH.
    But I need that puppy. He's crying for me.....
    And stop getting uptight about people with higher scores than you. It's not their fault they had the lucky shot. It's not your fault that you are an addictive, obsessive, average flinger...
    OMG it's worse than I thought
  • Worse, even, I just sent a ranting email to Rovio................
    Help, I'll never get past stage one
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