Bad Piggies PC bugs and workaround
  • I had two issues with the PC version of Bad Piggies v1.0.0. If anyone else is having similar problems, here is my workaround.

    Problem 1) Launching in 1024x768 non-windowed mode causes the top part of the display to intermittently flicker or layers not display correctly, and contraption selectors only show properly every other level. You have to guess which one you're selection, and knowing where they are on the iOS version helps the guess.

    Problem 2) You cannot enter the last four letters of your activation key in 1024x768 non-windowed mode and the activation key does not stay active if you try 1024x768 windowed mode.

    MY WORKAROUND for both: Launch in 800x600 windowed mode and stay in windowed mode. This will allow all the displays to work properly, and also allows you to enter your acvtivation key once and not have to reenter it! :)

    I have reported my problems to Rovio Support. Let's see how quickly they can fix it!
  • 1 Comment
  • Thanks @brave1966. I have moved this to a new thread, so I will close this discussion out. Appreciate both the report AND the solution :)
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